
10/10 would daily

“Maybe we need a gizmo that only allows car owner to drive the car.”

stop breaking the law, asshole

Maybe if people didn’t commit crimes cops wouldn’t have to interact with them at all?

Stolen car... nonviolent crime (assuming thief broke into the car and didn’t beat up a grandma on her way to church). What would you like cop to pull out? A donut?

In fairness to the car, cyclists are well known for having no spatial awareness and a suicidal disregard for the rules of the road. Just because one is in the opposite lane does not mean that on a whim or even by accident they won’t swerve across the road and then cycle head on into oncoming traffic. And wail about


Everyone going on about the Skylines, you’re doing it all wrong!

We may have reached the best era, but the prices for a lot of these cars are too high, and its getting harder to find ones stock or without shitty mods on them. Everyone thinks they are a damn tuner and its ruining otherwise fantastic cars.

This is one of those things where you have a choice — you can choose to be offended by it, or you can choose to accept it. I suggest the latter.

I had a friend who was a model for Rockstar energy. Basically what the monster girls do just a different brand and she loved what she did. Who am I and who are you to judge these girls. Nobody is forcing them into this. You can’t say youre for the advancement of women then condem them all in the same article

You know it wasn’t a Mustang because it turned away from the pedestrians.

This bad boy. A girl I knew in college needed me to help her with something on her car(so long ago I don’t even know what I did, this was around the early 2000s) but my reward was this... thing. At the time, I had a 97 Mitsu Galant that I entered in shows:

The dumbest shit I modded my car with was my ex-husband.

$600? That’s much is not horrible. Thanks for the good news.


I get what you’r saying, but Ford fully intended the GT to be a road car as well as a race car. Not sure how they could have done that if they made it an LMP1.

I’m in the Navy but I’d never put a plate (or sticker, magnet, etc.) on my car that identifies my affiliation with the military for the same reason I don’t put anything on my car that affiliates me with political parties, companies, sports teams, etc. - besides being tacky (IMHO), there are just too many nut jobs and

As a veteran, my advice to everyone is never get a plate like this. Unless you like providing a conversation starter for crazy homeless people.