
Makes me think Ford's CEO can't Hackett.

*2018 jd power award for most curtain airbag deployments

That’s a saying all over the country.

For who, The Root?

The other 15 state attorneys general tried calling, too but the FCC, assuming they were just robocalls, sent them straight to voicemail.

The issue is not the lead pipes per se. Lead pipes are fine as long as the water chemistry is such that it doesn’t erode the coating that has built up that keeps the lead from leaching into the water. Lots of older areas still have lead pipes. What happened in Flint is that in order to save a buck the city changed

Look, they’re working very hard to get these vehicles delivered. They’re working 24 hours a day. There’s a shortage of car carriers. They had to build a temporary factory. Porsche is also trying to save kids from a cave and send a rocket to the moon, so please give them a break or they’ll just smoke a J and take the

But the direct sale model is so much better because people who have no idea how to physically talk to people don’t have to negotiate anything!

It’s not a pastime, it’s their job. Goodyear has the good fucking sense to not give the media any reason to talk about them. That’s what smart PR flacks do; if there’s a storyline you’d rather the media doesn’t report on, STOP GIVING THEM STUFF TO REPORT ON.

I’m not convinced Ford’s current leadership is up to the task of pulling them out of this one. The secret sauce to Ford’s success through the late 2000s wasn’t *just* Alan Mulally. It was the triumvirate of Mulally, Mark Fields (as President of The Americas), and Don LeClair (as CFO).

That’s a bold tailgate from a company that struggles to build a reliable tailgate handle/linkage.

Tesla will not lose money on this model because it’ll never exist.

I showeed a camaro owner this wagon and he seemed upset. I asked him if it made him anxious.

Kinja needs a down vote button for stupid comments. Yours is the only political comment I’ve seen in this article (so far, at least), and it isn't amusing and doesn’t even make sense.

Every. Single. Crossover. Not as good as a proper SUV for off-roading, with worse handling/acceleration/fuel economy/weight/comfort (higher=more nauseating body roll) than an equivalently spacious hatchback/wagon. A compromised class of vehicle that’s supposed to be good at everything but in reality sucks at everything

Why does the front end of a $58,000.00 car look like a base GM compact from the 1990s?

The younger me would’ve listened to this and laughed it off. Now that I’m older and have lived through some unpleasantness empathy takes over. If anyone reading this is feeling like you’re out of options or are just fucking TIRED of the struggle to get through yet another miserable day talk it out with a counselor.

I’m hoping this is a joke but I suspect you’re just fucking stupid. 

If Americans would get over this notion only a mid- to full-size SUV will meet their needs and buy a midsize car that likely would meet those needs just fine, they could save themselves about $10,000 and not fall into 7 year financing traps. (And quit carrying negative equity into their loans.) And if you tell me you

Are you kidding me? You think this is on her?