
Who the fuck gave you a star

I can’t stand the Fiesta sedan. You can tell it was just an afterthought to the hatch. The rear looks comically high and narrow and the increased rear overhang to accommodate a trunk makes the whole thing look out of proportion. Ew.

I see your Clubman and raise you a Coupe. It looks like a ball cap.

I know this may be a pretty unpopular submission, but I have never been able to get over the preportions of the last generation CTS Coupe. There are just huge flat expanses of flat metal and plastic paneling. The belt line is awkwardly high and the rake of the car front to rear makes for odd disparities between the

This abomination

You can do that after you pry my pristine, unused turn signal stalk out of my cold, dead hands!

Star in a reasonably priced car, but instead call it Celebrity in a Celebrity. Make them take laps in a clapped out Chevy Celebrity.

the insurer has the subrogated right to sue GM, he should be encouraging them to do that

Hands down it’s underestimating the time it will take you to complete a job. My rule of thumb is to think of everything that could go wrong, factor that time in, and then double it. Whether it’s a part that you didn’t realize you would need, a tool you don’t quite have, or a nut you’ll strip...you will be under the

So much this. The system is broken at this point. Customers don’t want to pay profit thanks to the internet. Which hilarious in my opinion as no one wants to work for free but in the age of information that’s starting to happen not just in the car biz but other industries too. My favorite line “Oh you’ll make it up on

Kenny fucking powers

Rust. Intentional rust.

That’s insane. Did the dealership serve this person booze? Do they need to give a breathalizer before loaning a car now? Lots of people are good at hiding being drunk. I’m not usually a slippery slope guy but this is one of those.

The track that has always been the standard. Top Gear Test Track:

It is! It safely removes the wax so I can claybar it :D

Didn’t take too long for one of you clueless types to pop in here

Start a club who’s charter includes “driving classic cars as they were originally intended.” Boom — every time you drive your classic, you’re doing a “club activity.”

Nissan Juke R. Because did anyone realistically expect a Juke with a GT-R engine in it?

If I never see another Donk rollin on ridiculous 30’s, I’ll count myself lucky.

This shit right here. At least 90% of cars these days have these stupid cut-off wheel arches.