If you own a stock Toyota AE86...
If you own a stock Toyota AE86...
and now you have politicized cartoons...
im big enough to not worry much... but as mace isnt legal here my daughter has a small rattlecan of metalic red paint in her purse... just in case
Jesus Christ, that’s Jason Bourne!
With respect, if anything you have the theory backwards. Military officers and enlisted personnel are trained to obey higher use-of-force protocols than the police are, and they will be punished severely and court-martialed, if not imprisoned if they fail. There are actually confirmed cases already where former…
My personal theory is that the active recruiting of military veterans into law enforcement is driving police shootings.
this was outside the US so they only needed to go 88kph, time is different outside the real world.
I’m guessing (and he’ll never admit it, so guessing is all) that Max thought Kimi was going to stay tight through the corner and close the door. He’d have possibly had an excusable reason to be there.
All four wheels off the track.
That’s quite emusing.
Because you’re such a peach, I’m giving you a BONUS 90 seconds of life.
The only option is to drink even more to determine whether the idea stops making sense or you pass out first.
So, no missionary position then, huh? Kinky.
Unfortunately, this sanitized version of Tarquanian history is but veneer concealing a dark course of events. In early 70s, as mustaches became the predominant form of facial hair, the demand for Saiga musk (the most desired mustache grooming lubricant) has skyrocketed. Even though Tarquania was one of the largest…
Then it would be about millenial women becoming unlikely friends while all working like crazy to escape the social media group and get to The New Yorker, New York Magazine or The New York Times.
Was that on Jezebel?
I thought that the term “taxpayer money” was about where it comes from, not who it belongs to. Have I been wrong all these years?
I never ever thought that taxpayer money was an elitist term, because it isn’t.
Taxpayer money, public money; to most people, it’s six of one and a half dozen of the other. This is the kind of hair splitting that allows the right to pin an unfair “SJW” stereotype on anyone who dares question their bullshit, and it really does us a disservice. We should spend less energy fighting over what to name…