DC3 LS, will be perpetually replacing cars until the end of time

Not to mention how much faster they wear. That’s why I switched from summers back to all seasons. On the street I was no where even close to the tires’ limits, so I when it came time to get new tires I went back to all seasons with twice the tread wear rating.

How would you do that with a self service gas station?

Not to mention Amazon has one of the most efficient inventory and distribution systems in the world. That with WF’s markup is probably all of it.

They probably ninja edited it tbh.

Maybe they ninja edited it, but it clearly says unpaid right now.

The majority of Peace Officers should, at the most, be armed with good old fashioned revolvers.


Plus the city is were all the biggest advantages of EVs are. You don’t waste fuel and wear stopped at lights and you can get a decent amount of charge back from regen braking.


Maybe he didn’t have an ass to backup?

“But St. Louis police said the driver stopped, honked and attempted to drive around the protesters before some of them surrounded his car and began hitting it with their hands and a flag pole.

I just want to say Doug. At some points your voice sounds exactly like Jay Leno O_O

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IKR? 40% of Republicans support gay marriage now. And it wasn’t that long ago Hilary was against it.

Dougie is more adorable than insufferable.

This. When I spent the night in Vegas, road trip, I found I had the most fun when I went to the talkative poker table. Since you get free drinks when your playing I just viewed it as bar and that “As long as I’m losing less money than it would cost me to buy these drinks, I’m doing fine!”

One thing I’ve never been clear on. When raising an offroad vehicle, do you usually want stiffer or softer springs than stock?

For the love of god, make this your next project!

Yes! I believe it was grassroots motorsports or something who did it.

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HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE! It’s an EV with a manual transmission? and they do the same for Beetles?
GIB 2 me NOW!!!!

 If it were up to me it would be open season on Neo-Nazi’s, White Supremacists, Nazi’s, Klan, Conservatives, Republicans, TeaHadist’s and GodTards, basically the Republican base.