Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Mecca is overcrowded, stiflingly hot in the summer and somewhere most NBA players would never go”

So if any of you were wondering what it would take for any free agent to choose to sign with a James Dolan team, the answer is for the other option to be the Islanders. 

I’m Muslim. I’ve been to Mecca twice, both times in the winter. Your joke is funny, accurate, and not even slightly Islamophobic

Please do tell me how this joke is Islamophobic.

Or as he calls New Jersey: The Fifth Borough. 

He meant that it is the center of the universe for opposing teams to play great basketball.

That said, I’m still 90% certain Dolan thinks The Nets still play in Jersey.

“Look, New York is the Mecca of basketball.”

This is getting better and better.
The kid that destroyed country music in 2019 is not only black, but gay ? I love this so much. 

But can you say for sure that your favorite café doesn’t have a sex dungeon?

Thanks for this, Maddy. It’s stories like yours that will—hopefully—reach some of the folks who don’t understand why representation (and accurate/positive representation) matters so much.

The vast majority of protagonists in video games are straight white dudes. I don’t have to worry about whether or not my race, sex,

I’m sorry, but you are confused. There are 8 gazillion other choices than the chain of logic you cited. First of all, tRump is holding the children hostage, not Nancy Pelosi. Setting them free after 72 hours, as is specified in the Flores agreement, is the thing that was never going to happen, because of Trump’s

Oh man, I feel for you.

Pelosi doesn’t want to hold the children hostage and help the children by giving Trump the money and power to hold the children hostage and endanger the children...?

Ew, she likes Avatar? Instant turnoff. Swiping left.

Got a link for it:

That is an orb of hatred.

Marianne Williamson’s closing statement last night.

People laugh, but she was brave enough to marry a mortal even though her mother is dead set against it.

Here’s how the House members voted, in case anyone was curious: