Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I’m reading a book about why people believe conspiracy theories. Among other reasons, basically everything that is reported openly is a diversion tactic/false flag. So the Pizzagate morons could easily ignore this as, to them, it isn’t even happening. It’s a cover story for *waves hands* something bigger, mannnn!

eh. he cared insofar as he thought the machine should run smoothly, and that bad PR might stop him from deporting enough people to make Republicans think he was good at border security, Noted Thing That Was Definitely Ever In The Cards.

This is really sad. If anyone out there reading this is in crisis, please, I know it seems impossible, but reach out to someone, anyone, before you do anything drastic. 


Every day there is just more and more proof that we are truly living in the worst time line in a hell dimension.

Now playing

“People who go and cut their private parts to death.”

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

I am not even really a fan of Whitney Houston and I think this was dumb and disrespectful to her 

Small nitpick. It’s definitely the meth-fueled version of The West Wing. Trump’s not about to pay for the good stuff.

So a three time college dropout is trying to goad an utter failure of a human being into a war so the fat fuck’s poll numbers can go up? Thanks white people really. If I could throw Hannity in a wood chipper I would do so in a minute. That fucking network is going to get innocent people killed. Who the fuck am I

The sheltered, decadent lives we live promotes this kind of ignorance, and allows us to fall victim to manipulation. 

My autistic son is smarter than a lot of these people.

It’s absolutely amazing to me that living in a world where there has never been greater access to knowledge and scientific research is making so many people even more stupid and less educated than they would be without that access.

The Hatch Act is an unbelievably important pillar of the Merit System for Federal employees. It clearly divides Federal employees, whose employment is borne by the tax payer, from using their position for political activity. A world without the Hatch Act is one where Federal employees at all levels are openly

I think she would benefit humanity by just being kindling for the eventual effigy burning.

what about...

I have the collection preordered (I want the physical version). Then I can still support Square and don’t have to feel bad for obtaining the extracted Trials of Mana rom and playing it on my actual Super Nintendo/crt :)

Meaningful art and humor require the ability to relate to other humans. They aren’t really compatible with the “fuck everyone that isn’t me” mindset of extremists. On the right, you get shitty paintings. On the left, you get jam bands.