How soon before he and JonTron are running Breitbart’s Gaming section?
How soon before he and JonTron are running Breitbart’s Gaming section?
Like the majority of people I’m sure, I hate cancer. However, having personally known two women who have died from Ovarian Cancer, may I give this type an especially hearty ‘Fuck You’? (Along with Multiple Myeloma...not enough ‘fuck you’ for that one.)
I have a strange and confused respect for the Low Speed Electric Vehicle industry in China. The whole industry is…
Anyway, it’s possible this is all a huge, crazy coincidence, and there’s nothing insidious about Bharara’s firing and potential replacement by a Fox News ally.
A coworker once pinched me on Paddy’s day. She dead now.
The office of U.S. Attorney General Preet Bharara, who was fired by Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente on…
A long time ago on St. Patrick’s Day, someone asked me why I wasn’t wearing green to celebrate.......................I’ll just leave that here without further comment.
No one likes a Plastic Paddy.
I have a feeling that if I showed this to my friends who are from Ireland. Specifically Cork and Wexford they would rage quit. They have a lot of issues with Irish-Americans. They deal with them but they can’t stand them.
It’s ugly & tasteless. If you pay money for ugly & tasteless t-shirts, knock yourself out.
People who get a sense of pride from fondly reminding citizens of a different race that there was a time they could be bought and sold as property...these people should be eliminated from public office.
Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.
Cliff Notes version:
This is extremely not good, although I’m unsurprised to see people already saying it’s a good move.
All this is really doing is limiting Steam review privileges to those who bought the game off the Steam marketplace- unless I’m mistaken, all key activations are treated as ‘gifts’ and therefore ineligible for review…
I would argue the opposite. This new measure is weighed against the sales platform.
I spent the Day Without a Woman at a mini-conference for aspiring activists. It neatly solved the problem of what to…
Ok and that has something to do with what’s being discussed here?.. This is about people who are gifted a game not counting in review scores. It’s the complete opposite of what you’re complaining about because developers will give games away for free so people will give them positive reviews.
Let me clarify here. I certainly don’t want American lives lost and I don’t want to go to war but I feel that’s where we are headed. This fucker is gonna spend on defense and he’s going to want to see how all those toys work. He’ll get us into yet another un-winnable war, claim he’s a “wartime president” and ride that…
So you’d like a bunch of soldiers to die so that someone you didn’t vote for can be shamed? That seems reasonable. You’re clearly one of the good guys.
Whether it’s this weekend’s east coast snow storm or any winter weather, there are a few things you should do now to…