Wow, Schumercrats all the way down.
Wow, Schumercrats all the way down.
A Switch Pro would drain the battery so fast, and we’d keep hearing how big and heavy it is.
I think the Switch Lite will be similar to the Wii U Gamepad. And that was easy to replace the joysticks.
Could be easier to fix if there’s less tech to deal with.
On a tangent, the Classic Controller Pro I bought from Gamestop had massive stick drift, and a few Gamecube controllers have dead joysticks. All use a special type of analog stick I cannot buy on eBay, and don’t link to those stupid anchor ones.
Is the text size good enough? It looks kinda small.
Yup, Joe Crowley was like the #3 Democrat in charge or something.
The only time I ever watched someone streaming while driving is for Mitch Live, and Van’s hands are 10 and 2 during transport. But wow are there a lot more idiots.
Don’t put it past them to print the picture only to take a photo and email it.
Heavily armed to the teeth to arrest parents and children. This is America.
They hold the line while their morality erodes.
I remember when a bunch of 40 year old men were considered “Young Guns” and wrote a book about it. Pelosi wishes they were back.
I got the popcorn ready for the defenders of G2A’s lack of ethics, especially when they attacked Mr. Grayson so much.
When I was in school, torrenting via the Wifi was big, so they banned it the next school year.
It’s another month until EVO right? All the competitors have to do is not act like those dudes above.
Man, if the Hatch Act applied to State Government officials, look how triggered these Conservatives are about a shoe company.
It is pretty cool to read that a Fire Emblem game or Mass Effect 3 caused some people to re-examine, reinforce, or reject their beliefs. Though I do wonder about how games are today, while more diverse than ever, lots of different publishers and developers, but the big AAA game makers, are trying to run a neutral yet…
Tariffs are basically taxes on the consumer, and are usually used to gain a competitive advantage if there is competition in markets. The Trump Administration could’ve imposed tariffs on foreign made household appliances, still made in the USA!, but nah, they decided to not give a f-k and showboat.
Paying more to pwn the libs.