Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I’ve heard Amazon and Youtube and the like have a major problem with “natural cures” including “bleach enemas” showing up at the top of their search results. I wonder what the overlap is here with anti-vaxxers.

The good old days.

Creatures Inc, hire Tim Rogers to write your Pokemon games.

I thought people were free to assemble.

The MSG in Chikfila is not getting rid of them fast enough.

What’s Kotaku’s encrypted tip line again?

Please forgive me, a rich White Elite. Es mi dia primero

They side-stepped this in JoJo Part 2, as Stroheim refers to himself as a member of the German Army and German Science is the best and all that bs.

A first person game but the skin costs $10?

The only raw onion I will eat is that one in Holes.

I am dubious of the food delivery ads on the subway. How many people are actually ordering peanut butter and jelly sandwiches off that app?

David Harewood is the star of Supergirl, and from what I read about the show on io9, I don’t exactly know what kind of minefield I’ll get into regarding the immigration and racism issues the show tackled last year.

George Will was on the Brian Lehrer Show today blaming single parent families and how 200 years ago the rich were landowners.

The former head of the DNC is a big proponent of payday lenders.

They’ll fight you over a t-shirt than to blame the person that makes them live in such a way that a $15 shirt is worth a fist fight.

Sometimes this late stage capitalism stuff makes me very pessimistic about the future of mankind, as people don’t get passionate enough about politics to stop the demagogues or the hippies, but they will beat up you for this tv or t-shirt.


Yeah, this level of crazy for KAWS? I barely have an idea who they are but apparently they’ve been in existence for at least 12 years, and people actually like these awful cartoons?

Sausage because my immigrant parents refused to buy bacon.

No Truxton either. :(