Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

“We’re doing our best” Your best is inhuman and un-Christian.

How about they finally put in all the Sega characters?

They look cool, but I’m always unnerved by translucent plastic, with a fear that there could be cracks.

More women should make more games, because the games out there in the market, sheesh they are literally energy hogs.

America is run by an angry, unhinged, ruthless, and racist mob. The fact that Donald Trump is liked at all proves the statement correct.

Hey Tim, do you wear blue sneakers?

Rockstar trying to be Ubisoft.

I got the DRM-Free version, never put in the Steam Code, so it’s rather moot for me. The achievements look funny tho.

Darn Sega and their decades long contract with Atgames. At $190, you can be sure a company with Sega’s connections as opposed to Analogue’s would mean that the console of this quality can cost a lot less. 

All I remember about Universal Soldier 1 was that JCVD needs to cool his balls.

I wouldn’t mind her shitting on Schumer, who has been an utter failure, going behind the people’s back with “let me campaign” or “let me name this building after John McCain” and “I’ll let you do what you want with American values.”

The audacity that you would suggest making people take an hour and a half to commute into Manhattan, HamNo!

Just don’t point out that Conservatives are doing it, it will hurt their feelings!

Who’s the government to say I can’t commit these other crimes?!”

How dare they get angry that we forced a beer-swilling crybaby down their throats!”

Oh the indignity of it all!

Between you and Brian, who got higher audience ratings in Space Channel 5?

This looks fun to play, but the barrier to entry is a $50 joy-con, though that must be how much it cost for a N64 controller when they were children.