Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Some people insist on using fight sticks with the joystick on the right side.

The paper forks and spoons work?

Being stoned is not an excuse to not find real food.

This was always an interesting site to visit, a shame your overlords are such zealots.

If Google still supported its internet service, they could easily kick in Sony and Microsoft, considering the big two rely on telecoms, who are quite stingy with the speed.

Well, they could make Nintendo’s NEXT gaming console if they could, but console gaming is mostly tribalism compared to the more disposable smartphone gaming inudstry.

Poor Sarah Sanders.

Is it made of corn?

I hope that Nintendo doesn’t get any false positives from used Switch games, considering they sell so many units and people do sell them.

You may be a Nazi if you think a certain group of people should be forced into cages and be forcefed drugs because you think their very existence is threatening America.

That scrawny one is jacked AF.

We all want to play Tapper.

If Capcom would release the Astro City Minis like SNK is. After all, their CPS1-3 systems have a huge library, as seen in those two PS2 collections.

Visit Fandom on a browser without Adblock, and you’ll get infected with a virus. A good reason to leave the platform.

If you think the seven dead guys who rule the world are the good guys, sure.

The fact that he needs a pass to get in is an insult.

He’s a bigger Maverick than John McCain! :laugh emoji:

It is released through Hamster, another company, so Nintendo is probably going to let this slide as long as they get a piece of the crystal coconut. I mean, look at VS Super Mario Bros finally available on a Nintendo console.