Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I blame Trump for the proliferation of Arena Football.

I spent much of my childhood playing Street Fighter II on the SNES and Marvel vs Capcom in the arcade. When I finally got the 15th Anniversary Collection on the PS2, it was shocked by how different Street Fighter 3rd Strike was. I was miffed at the lack of Blanka or Cammy, and kinda bummed it only had the Trinity.

Isn’t CM Punk and a podcasting guy being sued by a doctor for defamation for statements made about the substandard health care they got?

They claimed by revealing Amy Mek to be Amy Mek-(enzie?) using publically available information that was considered a doxxing, and then they revealed every personal piece of information about O’Brien.

Holy crap. This is like a Man Bites Dog situation!

I don’t get automatic updates for a game until I actually press the game I want to play. Still a PITA to have to pause the downloads section every time.

I would like to know how to disable downloading patches for a particular game, specifically things like GTA V or God of War.

Totally annoying that every AAA game I want to play has to download yet another 20GB on my baseline broadband connection. PS4 only made it less painful compared to the PS3 as you can do something else while you wait, but the frequency is high. So there is a reason why I’ve been sticking with Japanese releases or

And when has reality become a game of overwrought gritty Pixeljunk Monsters?

Didn’t I read in the news that some schools in America don’t even have ceilings, much less adequate central air conditioning and heating?

Your lack of spines by throwing your stakeholders to the wolves hurt the bottom line, not the infantile in chief.

Oh yeah, I don’t think NK ever said anything about Denuclearization when I heard the stories on NPR. Then again, it won’t stop Trump and the mass media from saying ooh they’re disarming! Once it really gets cancelled, they’ll scream that North Korea lied.

I think this will make Trump happier than even invading the country.

Jeff Sessions has no honor. If he isn’t trying to keep the Justice Department afloat from attacks by his boss, he’s trying to arrest all Black peole to keep them in line, plus he’s obsessed with marijuana enforcement.

Those morons love to engage in intellectual dishonesty with them cartoon avatars.

They f-ing straight up tell you they eat people’s souls. But yeah, they don’t say they eat human meat.

Weren’t they nearly extinct in the anime?

So this is what Star Trek in 1987 felt like.

Now playing

We know he has a weakness to Spoony Bards.