I highly doubt Minaj would delve into the complexities of the SF MK feud.
That cop f-ing looks like Garak from DS9, and has an unhealthy obsession with Dash.
Don’t piss off the man worthy of the title “King”.
I’m surprised that Mueller isn’t tackling on the conspiracy charges on such low hanging fruit.
It kinda sounds like the Bioshock morality collection system. At least there isn’t an obnoxious pushing of ideas down the throat.
A generation ago, people would be incensed that their White Children would be named after a Slav. Or even after a greasy Greek word:
White Identity Extremists? They’ll give ‘em a badge!
If Sony actually makes a PS4 revision with even better load times, makes less noise and uses less electricity, that’s an upgrade I’ll consider. I’m not buying another Sony system for a looong time.
No. I already bought an upgraded console, the Slim. And I only play the console like 10 hours a week at best.
Who lives in MODOK county?
Bigger problem is voter apathy if they want to flip seats.
So why didn’t Roseanne NOT vote like half the country?
Loud people whine that adult man is more careful with words and may be expanding vocabulary. More at 11.
Reading?! How rude.
Definitely doubt if problem has been fixed. https://www.wired.com/2017/02/for-nextdoor-eliminating-racism-is-no-quick-fix/
What was disgusting was reading about how she’s a “badass enforcer” even though she was also meddling in the affairs of the Senate as a member of the President’s cabinet. The swamp is a circlejerk orgy.
I remember this Snap Judgement episode where the host was working at a restaurant, and these big spenders wanted steaks but the meat was still frozen. So he took the meat, used the industrial dishwasher at high steam, cooked them up and it worked. http://snapjudgment.org/hot-grill
Jake Flores is a guy who shoots from the hips and says what he wants. Why is the Trump Administration so afraid of political incorrectness?