Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I enjoyed the use of Rough Draft to animate that driving up the estate scene. I should’ve paid attention to other scenes.

The Mushroom Kingdom used to have the Metric System, now they use a new standard of measurement. How many flaccids in a chubby?

Just listened to the Friendly Fire Podcast about this, and wow, it could’ve been an average movie, but holy crap that framing device kicked it to the gutters.

That guy in the Sony commercial was right, Japanese people are small.

Mayor Marge is already considering this option? Quimby really screwed over Springfield.

White Men stockpile guns because they’re afraid that Black people are going to use the guns White Men stockpiled and lost against them.

You will need a stand if you want to play Tate mode.

It’s a game of chicken and the collusion is thermonuclear war.

Never did like the Milton Friedman school of economics. Expecting the market to solve all the problems is like expecting John and Jane Q. Public to be well informed of the issues they decide.

Especially when your boss will try to burn said notes to avoid a paper trail.

When you live in a big city, you wouldn’t even be able to afford a space to keep the car in a whole. If you live in the suburbs, the car takes up all the savings you get compared to living in a city apartment.

Lets hope she doesn’t heart bees.

She knows how to drift?

Trust friends with your life, trust some homie to hold a dollar for you.

In the Swamp and in the South.

I once spent an entire summer playing Grand Theft Auto IV, driving recklessly and it really screwed me up in my perception of reality every time I went outside because of how realistic the depiction of South Brooklyn was. Oddly, I didn’t get that feeling whenever I played Paradise, but hey, video games affect folks

CPCs are baby killers, they generally don’t help mothers once the baby is born.

I guess Jared Kushner shouldn’t be so afraid of going to Saudi Arabia.

Selma Blair to replace Cameron Diaz in many roles.