Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I poorly applied a Glass Screen protector so the corners on the left side are peeling. Overall: Dusty and works like a champ. Most abuse is the joycons.

Actually, the panties off a hot babe.

Loved it much more than Arkham Knight, and the platforming through Gotham PD Central was a treat.

“The Power of the Badge”

That Cambridge Analytica stuff goes far.

Is Taye Diggs going to be a MGOTW by the end of the year if he’s taking the red pill?

I read the story on the Root back in December, and that was surprising that she passed away so suddenly. Definitely weird, but I guess it was good for some viewers to see her again.

I’m stuck in the haunted classroom.

I followed your lead and continued the game, and the DLC packs don’t really help, considering the magatamas run easily and the drops aren’t spectacular. Besides I still got creamed by random encounters many times.

Even modded my Japanese cart.

DS Version is $30-40. Original version is over $120. Square Enix is eeevil. I’m not digging out my Wii.

Playing it on my SNES Classic. ;)

S- I didn’t know Esparza left the show, and then I find out he got himself in a heap of crime?

It’s not an accident, considering the Russian soldiers in Syria are more like mercenaries. Propaganda for the cash-front.

People in Riker’s get detained for years, White Boy.

So that’s why the episode took place in a Shoney’s.

The “I Got Mine Jack” principle.

Aren’t concentration camps considered a category of war crimes? Bring on the Hague.

Welp, I spent $20 this year converting my Japanese copy to an English version.

How many cops used the excuse “fearing for his life”, as they carried about 10lbs worth of equipment that can be used to incapacitate a suspect without killing them?