Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

$45 for a once mobile game. The cheapy me would wait for a $30 price point. Considering the lack of Switch driving games, still an interesting title.

Don’t get it Fahey. The Phantom Thieves can’t guarantee the safety of your console if you do get Star Ocean again.

Corporations are people my friend, and people wouldn’t be so cruel to their fellow Americans to block innovation of the Internet.

She’s probably thinking the Donald should not meet these young ladies for her sake.

Byron Mann makes a great Green Arrow.

I wonder if Chrissy Tiegen wants this feature in the next game.

Most expensive thing I bought was Breath of the Wild at full price. :( And I bought three DVDs, and a new pair of sneakers. And I felt like I spent more than I should.

I really hope that Denzel quote was out of context.

Well that sucks.

This game was created in response to events that happened in the Japanese zeitgeist, and it could seem that the developers hoped for the better, even if the actual election results did not oust the nationalistic and right wing LDP. However, the themes still resonated with me a lot, especially when I turn on the radio

Gawd, I wish I had the money to buy an SD2SNES flash cart, darn all of the sales coming in this month.

What’s the male equivalent of a Becky?

So many Headmasters.

Well, both Carter brothers are trash.

What is the Pokemon equivalent of Chris Hanson?

And don’t get started on porn plans, as I have read that consumption of porn is MUCH higher in Red states.

Democrats are also accused of being snowflakes when people criticize them.