Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Despite it being a PS3 game that RAN from the disc with minimal install, it’s sad that the Switch version which may come on a 32GB card, still requires a 14GB download.

Yeah, the interrogations were much harder for me than anything in Ace Attorney, even when part IV introduced the trace system.

This wannabe Nazi facist administration purposefully keeps bad records.

Look at the Log Cabin Republicans who ALWAYS cheer for their party.

While Trump has been undermining the ACA by withholding payments, dumbass forgot to hire people to tear down the website.

How soon will these features be abandoned? I mean this was all promised on the Wii U, and it disappeared by year 3.

They’ll conveniently ignore that Jim Bakker was a felon but they’ll buy his apocalyptic screed and food.

Is Soylent food?

What’s your favorite Peach outfit?


At least there’s no sass like that other lagomorph game that came out.

Waiting for the texture packs to be released is bad, waiting for them to download is worse. Microsoft has got to make its stores and Gamestop offer a service to download said packs and updates to an external hard drive for f-k’s sake.

I got like five Animal Crossing Amiibo that I bought for a total of $3 what do they do besides looking cute?

Soy Frenemies Mario.

I want Yoko Taro to do the Final Fantasy 8 Remake.

The Swamp is eating itself.

“she reads by the light of a fire with toxic fumes.” Republicans are cool with developmental retardation by pollutants. And Rick Perry just managed to heap another pile of garbage. It’s like the KFC bowl!

It’s like Homeland Security or the ATF, just another layer of bureaucracy that the Republicans can use to justify their creating deficits.