Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

Local multiplayer?

“I hope he succeeds” in not falling off that curb.

It depends on what you define success.;(

“Trump was doing his best” with La David Johnson’s family, which was an insult. Wanting him to succeed as a president (as Michelle Obama also said) means that we don’t want to be blown up by North Korea. Cranston should not have mansplained that, when any actual intellectual could’ve used it as a plea and an insult to

I think the time he played as Jim Bakker could define Spacey.

You mean red stain.

It’s a crazy thing to get “numb” to the violence we see in media, especially when the creators have the capabilities to make them more and more realistic. Such is the times we live in.

Well, I hated that scene with Caroline much more. These two scenes juxtaposed with each other, really shocked me to my core, and made me think about how it’s not just violence begets violence, but callousness of life begets more of it. I just hope the game goes full hog with these themes.

Oh s-, that may have been Tommy Wiseau. Sorry man.

Why is there a difference? It’s a sport where you hit a ball into a hole, and NOBODY runs or jumps or any intense physical activity.

And many people refuse to take even that tiniest step, as evidenced by those aggressions.

She must have forgotten all those school shootings. And don’t remind her that Columbine was 18 years ago, and Sandy Hook (a false flag operation!) was five.

Did they pledge allegiance to the Ayatolla or the Pope? If the former, they get the full spread of terrorism charges. If the latter, they’re a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, and will get a Lifetime movie next year!

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.

Sadly this doesn’t have a 1up bonus.

It’s basically how White people were screaming their heads off about Obama going to a madrassa. The Pledge of Allegiance says love the country and don’t be a dick, but what the definition of how to love is rather twisted for the radicals.

Between this and the last episode, why did they make the pilots that goshdarn stupid?

So it’s a game that shoots from the hip?

Pepperidge Farm won’t forget...

Say bye bye to the $4000 tax cut when you end up spending more money replacing service the Republicans cut wholesale.