You forgot Milk Duds, which is sludge that will destroy your fillings.
You forgot Milk Duds, which is sludge that will destroy your fillings.
If you attack a group of people for their quiet and peaceful actions and find it offensive to yourself, you are a bigot. If you do it to a group of people to make yourself look “superior”, you are a bigot. And if the group of people are the same group of people that have been oppressed since the founding of the first…
And the fact that he got away with it for so long.
“A backlog at the Maryland State Police’s computer forensics lab kept authorities from discovering evidence of Bell’s assaults on his cell phone for several months” This is what happens when you oppose police reform.
Manhattanites will write in the kids’ name come election day.
I’m hoping Corn Muffins becomes an actual weapon for the Strucker Twins.
Harewood is a bigger Drunk Shimoda than I thought.
The Mainline Democrats better f-ing learn the meaning of “E Pluribus Unum”, as many Americans flock to their party because the other one is already a fascist gestapo party. Purging all those different voices for “unity” is a load of crap because all they’ve done is infighting and putting forward what Becky and Bob…
For people who constantly whine about State’s Rights, they sure love funding the Federal Gestapo and trampling upon the work of city and local governments.
It’s probably the Governor of Puerto Rico looking out for his buddies after groveling to the President that insulted his constituents.
What is it with White Internet Trolls who say they’re being threatened and get the luxury of cops doing a welfare check on them AFTER they type up a ton of death threats to people who call them out on their BS?
The Mayflash Adapter is wonky according to Twitter. You may have to buy the Brook Converter instead, though it’s the same price as a USED OEM Nintendo Wii U Gamecube Adapter.
El Camino, will the game have it?
The only people the Republican party considers people are Corporations, Rich White Men, and Fetuses.
“Trump was doing his best”, said John Kelly. It just shows you what kind of person the President is. Couldn’t even bother to say his name correctly, even though there had to be a folder in his hands.
Makes me wonder what Mayim Bialik had to say about the other cases of sexual assault not regarding women in the very hush hush closeknit community. Those kids weren’t modest enough against the people they trusted?
I don’t think it matters. You can play Psychonauts on your computer for like $2.
Shenmue 2 and Jet Set Radio Future, the only Xbox games I own, but can’t play bc my 360 is in storage.
I was surprised JJ was only 56. :(
Hey everybody, it’s the “I’ve got a Black x, how can I be racist” defense.