Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

History keeps repeating itself, and the arrogance of the people in power will only allow for what they deem as “identity extremism” will keep coming back.

The Target at Atlantic Ave is actually the first time I ever saw a Nintendo Switch box in person. Those things are either kept under lock and key or they really do sell out as the hype is saying.

You sure he wasn’t thinking of Bridgette Nielsen?

“It’s a little concerning that she seems to have little background in immigration security and policy.”

Wow, this is amazing, and holy crap it’s a lot of dedication, but preservation of a four-five decade old medium has to start somewhere.

I’m thinking of that Key and Peele sketch where they’re constantly pulling their pants up.

Can’t he just waste the money by building or buying a private theater and then using it as a means to pirate movies, paying those MPAA settlements?

“they’re releasing some good ones that we use every day

Did they confirm that the Stick of Truth DLC is going to be included with the remaster?

I can only hope to reach Mr. Wendal’s level of wokeness, but I am more like a 4 because of my cowardice.

It’s probably one more day left to pre-order it at Best Buy with the discount and coupon. I’m still on the fence considering how fast Ubisoft drops the prices, but the prospect of a less buggy Stick of Truth...

Are there any Sonic Skateboards?


Girl Scouts probably teach better survival skills anyway, especially in the wilderness of internet commentating.

USWNT is gonna have to save America’s bacon again?

That’s the point, if people actually voted in their best interests lawmaking would be a lot more “equal”. But the point of controlling districts is to maintain a grasp on power especially when things are not going your way. You’ve seen the polls on Climate Change, Equal Marriage, Immigration, and whatnot, but our

But Trump can tweet and yell at the same time.

And Jim Bakker is considered a patriot while telling you to buy post-apocalyptic buckets of drek.

They must be thinking in the lines of trading cards or something. My god that was a huge wallet sink in my childhood.