Comes in two discs, patches not included.
Comes in two discs, patches not included.
Comes in two discs, patches not included.
Comes in two discs, patches not included.
Probably Dad goes full Bill Ponderosa when the fanaticism gets the best of him.
Well, it is very hard to drive a truck to PR. They have to have priorities.
Nope, heir to the Treadway fortune.
Good satirists are able to make us think as we consume their pieces, but these guys are just scum, deliberately spreading lies for money rarely considering the consequences. And they are usually the ones complaining about their free speech rights when somebody exercises their right to call them out.
Our future tho:
The best:
Indeed. It’s simplistic and has enough buttons most people would need for 2D games.
Nope. The Neo Geo controller connects to microswitches. The 3DS is analog.
All those blue chips breaking into little pieces.
I can understand why she and Obama wish for the best out of the Trump Administration. Though what is the best? Most likely not having the country blown off the map.
Does anybody’s PS4 sound like a jet engine when playing MGSV Ground Zeroes or Phantom Pain? I am playing the game off the Complete Edition if that has any effect.
They’re just angry these “ungrateful millionaires” are not bowing to the one true prophet, which is that bag of raw meat festering in the sun on a humid day.
And yet our heads are exploding on national tv about how Steven Seagal is turning into his South Park character. Cry harder snowflakes, this is what you get when you f-k with NFL players.
MLK was right about the White Moderate and Allies.
Splitters are $30, not very peasant level.
Not when they destroy their health in the process.
Remember, Trump doesn’t know we have a thing called the Navy.
NYC is collecting and sending tons of supplies for Puerto Rico. Trump and his buddies are indeed lying out of their asses as they are taking their sweet time getting to the Island bc they don’t care about Brown people.
I don’t think Trump understands that the Navy exists.