Darmok eats Challah at 12Nagra

I mean, what hole did one put their heads into during Deflategate?

More like 1980.

Just make sure to smash every dinosaur you see.

What about Brown Haired Guy that’s not Steve Douchey?

Oh god, WTF. I somehow think that James Bond Movie about the North Korean changing his race will be the future, and this includes the crazy Maury lady. Oh gawd...

At least Comey didn’t choose a safe space to work at unlike the guy who fired him as he will only speak to a public that strokes his ego.

Nope, she’s “leaning no”. That’s not a guarantee.

Indeed. White Woman who voted for Trump, this is what happens.

Yeah, WTF Sega. Why don’t you keep making Sega Saturn style 2 controllers? People would love to have a rubber floating dpad with six buttons!

I’d like to hear Trump voters justify their support for this bill, which says rural hospitals will be impacted immensely besides using the terms “Obamacare is expensive”. Don’t Republicans depend on them to keep them in power?

I bought a few of the yellow Hori controllers and they are also fantastic with King of Fighters XIII on the PC. Can’t beat $11 for a SNES-like controller.

I don’t see Gamestop becoming smarter and actually embracing the digital game changes as time goes on, especially if they keep doing crap like this.

Republicans- “Christians in Name Only”

Yup, Star Trek’s greatest problem is usually Star Trek.

It handled this topic about gender, gender roles, and self determination much better than Star Trek: the Next Generation ever could, especially the episode with the A-Team’s Melinda Culea. Yes, the jokes were as cringy as ever, but damned if the writers of this era try much harder to create a story about societal

Hello, Kacho!

Arcade Archives.