
A modding team is actively building the entirety of Morrowind in the Skyrim engine. I think its called “Skywind” or something. Progress is slow considering they have only volunteers but there is definite, demonstrable progression. It’ll still probably be a year or two but I for one am stoked; I never actually played

Convenience + adorableness + nostalgia factor. It’s that easy.

“Sir, if we just cut the giant metal skull form the plan, we’d be under budget and ahead of -”

You complete missunderstand my comment. I merly point out that it the story seem to have a common trope, thats in a lot of Bioware games. “The choosen one”, in short, that the main character has been selected by some force to be the only who can resolve the plot, and everyone looks up to the hero. Thats at least how I

At this point I believe all signs point to an Orange Box 2. Included HL3, Portal3, TF3, L4D 3, Dota 3. Would be epic but probably won’t happen. Half Life will turn 20 next year.

Haven’t you heard? This is Overwatchtaku. If its not made by blizzard it basically doesn’t matter.

Yeah. Overwatch Single Player Campaign when though!?

These animated shorts are too good. Now I want to know why the president of Russia is buying arms from the enemy, why the enemy and Russia are at odds, who hired Widowmaker and Reaper to assasinate her, and what Sombra needs done so badly that she’s willing to risk certain death blackmailing the president and double

[Cries in Spanish]

I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.

Pretty good chance Vice is gonna be VI. It even works with the numbers. GTA VIce.

Vice City 2.. want this so badly at a GTA V scale

I dated a Brazilian who’s family moved from Germany in 1944 to a small farm in the Amazonian rainforest.

It seems like a Nazi artifact is found somewhere really surprising every few years or so. They really seemed to be almost everywhere at some point during the war. If you look hard enough, you can probably still find some original Nazis still alive and kicking down in South America.

*fist bump back-and brsshhh fist explosion thingy!*

This shouldn’t be that freaky but for some reason it’s extremely unsettling and I don’t know why.

God I’ve been waiting so long! And my birthday is in March! Oh happy day!

FINALLY. Been following this game for years. Can’t wait to play it.

Good to hear that it’s got a release date! I’ve been waiting years for this.