
As I said in the comments of your YT trailer and ModDB page...

You should really release the “start to finish” version you’ve got right now, bugs and all, just in case you get slammed with a C&D from Universal...

I’d hate to see something this cool get shut down so near completion simply because it started to gain a

Fuck that, THIS is the real Jill!

Get that default bland Tomb Raider Remake looking costume tf outta my face...

This is the REAL Jill from RE3!!

Whoever’s the moron that pitched bringing terrible Trap Music Beats to MORTAL FUCKING KOMBAT should be fired yesterday...

Now playing

Where tf do they find these horrible voice actors for these MK games?

I literally just watched a VR Let’s Play with a dude who sounds a THOUSAND times closer to Mark Hamill than the dude that Nether Realm hired for the job.

MMO, MMO and MMO...

I saw Dreamcast and looked at the title pic and my first thought was this underrated gem...

That’s unbelievable! Now can we get this designer some funding and ressurect the Jet Moto franchise with him at the helm? I’ve never been the hugest fan of Wipeout, although I do absolutely respect the series for it’s consistent top tier quality, it’s just never been my cup of tea... but Jet Moto?! I fucking LOVE Jet

I’ve honestly had ZERO interest in playing any MMO, much less GTA Online, but this has peaked my interest...

It’s okay...” - Linda Hamilton(Sarah Connor)

So can’t he just technically release it under an alias and just blame a “haxor” for getting into his stuff and “stealing” it? lol

He’s allowed to make Fan Art, but if said “fan art” is “stolen” and released under a guise, then there’s no way to prove he did anything wrong and we all get to join in on the fun :D 

Welp, it looked great until Kotaku put it on blast(as usual)... RIP

Incoming C&D 100% :(

It’s 2019, so of course somebody’s bitching about gender every 3 seconds...

Dante in Nocturne was one of the most wonderful cameos for me personally, being a huge fan of DMC 1/2 at the time...

MoviePass was great a few years back when you could watch as many movies as you wanted for like $10-15/month, but over the last year and half, they buried themselves with all the extra limitations and price increases...

I cancelled my MoviePass like over a year ago, and I’ve had the AMC A-List which allows you up to

Bruh, how tf you make a bowl cut look cool asf? lol

It’s funny that the game gets review bombs for censoring or not censoring, but do any of the reviews actually address the quality of the game? Like fuck social politics, IS THE GAME FUN? Is the gameplay designed well? How’s the story and music?

But SJWs are fucking insane, and usually self centered assholes too.

I disagree on the piracy bit at the end. It’s been long proven that people prefer to purchase a legitimate copy of a game, so long as it’s within their price budget, so a person buying a use game could easily be the same person who would pirate a game, simply because they want to play it but don’t have the financial

If you don’t see the drastic difference in pricing between Digital and Physical copies of the same games, then you’re shopping on the wrong websites...

Even if Steam.com itself doesn’t have a game you’re looking for on sale, there’s other avenues like Indiegala, Fanatical, CDKeys, HumbleBundle, Green Man Gaming...