
That would make sense if they were coders, but the guy makes a point of chastising his friend about that. His “awaiting instructions” line was almost certainly sex based.

“participation doesn’t clip”

Actually, all of these are part of a completely seperate problem youtube’s had the last year or so with these really clever bots that exploit youtube for ad money. There’s a bunch of different channels in the same type of wierd “children’s” videos with basically nothing going on for 10-120 minutes with gibberish [bot]

What reference am I missing with the headline?

My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.

Before the advent of quality cloud servers and decent enough USB memories, many companies depended on large inner servers where they could quickly transfer info. Memory backups were not as thorough as they are nowadays, at most 1 or 2, so a lot got lost. A good example is Square Enix having to rewrite a lot of Kingdom

It explains why he has no backbone.

Lol good reply. You seem much better suited to spining story then actual reporting. No matter how you want to lay it out. It shows up on kotaku then it gone. Wonder why none of these fans game makers that you say gave you the stories has spoke up to tell their own fans.

Funny you’d write this considering your site is responsible for most of the shut downs. Seemed to be a trend this year, id see a article on your site saying fan made game is cool, next day it was shut down. perhaps if Kotaku wasn’t on a mission to rat out every fan made game some wouldn’t have been canceled.

Westworld is super intriguing from the perspective of a software developer (what I do). The conversations between the “staff” are similar to those that my ilk have when various applications start to act up. The crazy/cool thing is that they can just walk into their simulation to figure out where things are going

You say “bitterness”, I say “give it to me anyway”.

I’d take it as long as it comes to PC pleeeeeease

I can already taste the bitterness when it turns out to be Red Dead Remastered.

Red Dead 2: Electric Boogaloo

Found the rich kid :p

Announcing GTAV blood bank heist in honor of Halloween!

The things I would do to live in some of the nicer Deus Ex or Mirror’s Edge apartments...

That's in the 1990s music mod too, so, hell yes.

But does it play Roundball Rock?

Doc, we don't always agree, but you're absolutely 100% bang on with this piece. Rockstar's sound design is absolutely masterful. And what's more, it NEVER overshadows the game itself. But the sound is constantly there, making an impact even when the player doesn't actively listen to it.