You mean DMC 2. Devil May Cry is dead
You mean DMC 2. Devil May Cry is dead
The beginning of the Last of us was very hard on my manly pride. If the rest of the game was anything like that, my family would probably have been worried.
I had this with the first Bayonetta, but I wasn't crying, it was more like sex.
lol no.
Felt like I was going to get kinda hyped, before I heard the Japanese voice actor for Goku.
ps1 start up sound followed by the policenauts jingle for the konami logo in mgs
this is awesome. i remember getting a PlayStation a few months before RE2 came out and all i had to play was the demo disc that contained hot shots golf and blaster man or something like that. i played it over and over for weeks and then was blown away by RE2. then my love of horror was born. huge nostalgia trip with…
I'd add Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.
You're still not understanding what I'm saying though. This is a list of games that people want to see remade. Not a list of games that should be remade first. The majority of people don't want an FF6 remake because the majority of people have never even played that game.
pff .. same old arguments.. it's popular for a reason. Anyways .. this discussion will never generate anything productive. You're free to disagree but don't kid yourself, you're not the ultimate reference of criticism. You wouldn't be here if you were.
I definitely didn't click on this article because the redhead in the header image piqued my interest.
Yeah the guy definitely deserved it. If I wake my wife from the Odinsleep because I'm playing a video game, she would sleep-murder me.
God Telltale needs a new engine ASAP.
This article really saddens me. He got $2500 and that is great for him, but he could have been patient and waited a couple years. Whoever bought it for $2500 is going to be getting a lot more, I'm sure of it.
I have the Jet Set logo as my icon on PSN. Whenever my friends ask why, a piece of me dies.
not gonna lie. i want that millennium falcon flying through a swarm of tie fighters to be real
People who did not see the TV serie and want to catch up quickly before next season. People who don't have time for the TV series. People who enjoy movies rather than series because of the higher animation quality and faster pacing, etc.
Dont know why anyone would go pay to see a touched up abridged version of a TV series. If it were live action I could understand, but this I dont get.
On a funny side note, a couple of people I know watched the video posted and got really excited thinking it was a game like Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous and got into the idea of playing the game. I had to warn them that it was not in fact a space fighting game and was basically just a lot of micromanaging…