I made a joke about how people should be less offended and made it a psychological conundrum, hope it don’t get me banned!
I would like to offend everyone who gets offended by everything, by exclusively saying to those people, you’re a stupid whiny ass face.
Ghost in the Shell wasn’t as terrible as weeaboo’s make it seem. Sure, it’s a steaming pile of shit when compared to the fucking award winning masterpiece of perfection that was the animated film, but the live action movie is a decent recreation. It could have been a MILLION times better, but it’s not absolute…
Hayter is Snake PERIOD. I didn’t even care to play MGS5 because he wasn’t a part of it... I’m sure I missed out, and I’ll play it eventually, but I RUSHED to play every single iteration of Metal Gear since I first played MGS back on PS1, and MGS5 was the first one that I didn’t really care about... it strayed from a…
All i know is they better be REEEEEEEALLY careful who they cast as Snake, Liquid, Ocelot.. etc, if they’re going to include those characters in the film... I can say that I DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT a known actor in the role... no Michael Fassbender, no Chris Hemsworth...
The only famous actor I might accept in the role…
Always Relevant
I just raise the temperature to around 72-74 degrees, that’ll just make the AC crank up when the temperature rises above those temperatures...
If you have pets, you can’t just turn off your AC, not to mention there’s a number of things in a home that need to be kept at “room temperature” like pressured cleaning…
Let’s see. Triggered Female? Check.
Popular show? Check.
Accuses harassment? Check.
Literally blames ALL Male co-stars? Check.
Sounds like somebody’s crying wolf... I’m taking EVERY single one of these “It’s the men’s fault” or “HE did this to me!” whiners with a massive grain of salt from now on because there’s…
This is a video game about a mutant virus made by a secret corporation bent on taking over the world by infecting every single living thing on the planet into a monstrous abomination...
Forgive me if I overlooked the “more realistic” approach to a beloved character over a more recognizable one.
Harrison Ford and Mel Gibson are awesome, so shut your dirty mouth right now!!! lmao
I must have misunderstood the article, I thought this was the first update to the game to include Konami characters... we shit, this sounds awesome! :)
Konami has a lush collection of characters to pick, from Castlevania to Contra, to YuGiOh to Zone of the Enders, to some of the somewhat obscure one’s like Policenauts and Snatcher... Yet, aside from the MGS characters, they choose characters that I don’t recognize in the slightest...fml
My fatass thought those were Cheetos... lol
Sony still wins, even if their policy on crossplay sucks, I couldn’t care less aobut crossplay, while I indubitably care about “used games” or sharing games, which Sony OWNED Microsoft with in this commercial lmao
Sony > Microsoft
To be clear, I love all previous gens from the Gamecube to the X360, but current gen has…
To be fair, I myself was sitting there in the theater thinking “Is it me or do Elastigirls boobs get bigger from one scene to the next?!” I mean seriously, she’s thick asf in every scene of part 1 and 2, but look specifically at the scene where they’re waiting in the green room for her to go on her first interview…
I know War Games came first, but I learned it from Hackers lol