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Theme felt very Top Gun-y, I very much approve, as there isn’t a more influential film when it comes to Dog Fights and Hot Shot Pilots.

I personally thought Paul Chadwick at first reaction, but yea totally Moebius too!

Antonio Banderas stars as Max Rockatansky in...

I never really dug the Skate franchise... now if this was a new Tony Hawk game!!

I honestly didn’t have a problem with it, but scrolling down and seeing your dumbass assbackwards oxymoron of a comment makes me wish we’d have less female protagonists, not because I have an issue with them, but simply to piss your stupid sexist ass the fuck up.

I was just sinking deeper and deeper into my seat as this trailer went on...

“Why is his hair short AGAIN?!” I thought...
“What tf is this pop music?!” I thought...
“Why’s his coat blue?!” I thought...
“Is that the fking Red Queen?!” I thought...

These Metro Games are like a perfect combination of everything great in Doom and Fallout... they’ve got the terror of darkness from Doom and the interesting post-apocalyptic landscape design of Fallout...

I Kill Giants: The Video Game

If embellishing terms like “Turbo”, “Championship” and “Ultimate” were overused terms in 90s video games, then assuredly “Infinite”, “Infinity” and “Forever” are overused terms for games nowadays...

I feel like every other game/franchise/gimmick has some kind of “Infinite” terminology attached to it...

Any other terms

As beautiful as the game is, and as interesting as the art design is... it has yet to show a semblance of a storyline... and considering it’s an MMO, I’m 99% sure I won’t give a shit about it once it’s released...

But as I did with Destiny, I keep watching video after video, and reading article after article, in hopes

As beautiful as the game is, and as interesting as the art design is... it has yet to show a semblance of a storyline... and considering it’s an MMO, I’m 99% sure I won’t give a shit about it once it’s released...

But as I did with Destiny, I keep watching video after video, and reading article after article, in hopes

You still want to argue legalese while I argue simple logic and morality...

Abandonware is literally abandoned... fuck legalities... unless someone still stands to profit off of it, release it for FREE, simple.

People like you are literally THE REASON games get lost in time...

Is no one safe from criticism and deconstruction of character today? It feels like fucking EVERYBODY in Hollywood is a target for some kind of Social Justice horseshit...

The quotes between Clemmons and Rogers seem to be completely friendly, even if it was difficult for Clemmons to subdue a part of his own personality,

never heard of that one!

Pepsi Crystal came back last year for a while... it was both nostalgic and as unnerving as I remember it to be...