
I loved Phantom Menace when I saw it as a kid... as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized why there’s so many things that people dislike about it and the prequels in general, but I’ve never truly understood the full on hatred people had for it... like the only thing I can truly get behind is the hate on Jar Jar... he was

I read as far as the second paragraph before I realized this entire article was a pretentious horseshit biased point of view on the movie Deadpool, and absolutely nothing constructive came out of it other than the author having himself a masturbatory ventilation of his inane hatred toward the Deadpool movies and comic


Jesus fucking Christ, just let this guy be the dickhead racist he is, and he’ll die one day, and that’ll be the end of it... stop trying to teach old dogs new tricks, it doesn’t work...

You can’t control the world around you, but you CAN control your reaction to it, and if the guy was being a dick and hurling racial

Did you never hear about the NBA Jam “Remake/Remaster” from several years ago that came out on PS3/X360?

Honestly just start em out with Evil Dead 2.. it’s the perfect combination of Comedy and Horror...

Then move on to maybe slightly darker things like “Poltergeist”, the Dawn of the Dead(the 70s version), just keep cranking it up little by little until you reach movies like The Exorcist...

If they can’t handle tamer

Why use a wireless controller in such an important event? I always thought that competitive online players hated everything online and preferred wired, for it’s lack of “wireless lag” and impossibility of disconnection due to bad signal...

Damn, well fuck that shit then... lol

I thought the article said it was not confirmed what it was and they were waiting to hear back from the cops...

What a fucking holy grail... probably pure uncut cocaine from the mid-80s... god we’ll never see that again... what a wonderful decade that was...

UI was no more confusing or redundant than SSG/SSB, in fact it made more sense than those other 2 transformations thematically ever did, it required EXTREME stress and limit breaking, which is how Saiyans transformations have tended to work historically... as I stated clearly in my previous...

Jirens backstory was

DBS started out HORRIBLY, then progressively got better as time went on... it cranked up the comedy WAY too much in the beginning and the power leveling was a fucking disaster...

They didn’t just take apart old first generation PS1's and slap them on top of PS2 hardware... by the time the PS2 came out the PS1 hrdware was so refined that the 2 pieces of hardware just meshed together almost perfectly... the “Fat” PS3's were almost perfect too... almost... sure they suffered from a little heat,

I understand that completely as well... of course perfect emulation on a better newer console is ALWAYS going to be better than running the game on the dusty original hardware.

THANK YOU! Exactly.

Tell them to run, there’s FAR better places to find employment, it’s a dead end.

You’re totally right... I’ve avoided PS2, Xbox and Dreamcast emulation for years, but recently started experimenting with PS2 emu’s and they’ve made insane leaps in just the last year! Xbox and Dreamcast are still very shoddy tho.... :(

But another thing that surprised me is that PS3 Emulation is making GREAT strides

Not different parenting... correct parenting. How the hell you do you expect someone to learn from their mistakes if you punish them and then proceed to give them instant gratification for apologizing? You’d just be teaching them to lie better in the future with insincere apologies.

The Atari 7800 maybe? Backward Compatible with the Atari 2600.