
Oh and...

Also Kotaku: Battleground. Battleground. Battleground. Battleground. Battleground. Battleground. Hearthstone. Hearthstone. Hearthstone. Hearthstone. Hearthstone. Hearthstone. Hearthstone.

Don’t forget...

Also Kotaku: Overwatch. Overwatch. Overwatch. Overwatch. Overwatch. Did you watch the new Twitch Overwatch streamer open loot boxes? Did you see the Legendary loot item that was just announced? Did you play Overwatch this weekend? Because I did. Overwatch. Overwatch. Overwatch. Overwatch. Overwatch. 

Loot boxes are similar to Booster Packs of any TCG ever... the only difference is RNG.

IGN used to be GREAT my friend. If you visited their site in the days when their site names was GameSages, they had excellent forums, strategy guides, cheat codes, game reviews, the newest trailers and news posted in clear and laid out way and most importantly, it was completely FREE, there was no subscriptions, no

Ugh... there goes the neighborhood...

smokeyjoey8, you are THE MAN!!!

Dammit, I can’t find ANYONE of the “Online Retailers” who have pre-orders available!! I want one!!

Now playing

That gasoline smell is probably from a combination of acetone and the actual gasoline used when initially making the paste that eventually dries up and becomes the powder we all know and love. You never seen this video? Super interesting stuff. It shows the entire process from leaves to finished product done by a

Honestly the first time I tried coke I wasn’t all that impressed either because I just did coke by itself, it just felt like a really big coffee high... it’s not about the coke on it’s own, it’s how you can combine it with alcohol and marijuana to concoct the best results of euphoria. I didn’t try coke again after my

Well I’m from Miami, and when it’s rocky like that, it usually means it was shaved off a brick, or a large rock... it gets caked up like that sometimes and you can’t break it up to that fine powdery form that people are more familiar with from movies.

From an on and off coke user, that’s cocaine bro... especially his reaction after he gacks it up. Totally white.

“security camera in the bedroom” you say? Lmao

“security camera in the bedroom” you say? Lmao

If you have your PC connected to your TV via HDMi cord like I do, then you could just download an emulator like EPCSX2 and pop in most PS2 games to play them on PC.

Gotta love a website that allows a hypocritical ass article like this to get posted.

I’m Latino, so don’t think for a second that I’m defending “white people”, but I simply find it amusing that there’s black folks somehow believe that it’s any different to title an article ‘10 not racist at all things that white people

Feels like this...

Na bro, we just call it White or White girl. Lmao

And he’s got “19 Stars” and counting, so once again, it seems that the younger generation thinks they know it all because they’ve smoke a little bit of weed. Lol

I like how at the slightest mention of weed, all these people with PHDs on the history and terminology of weed, blunts and joints just come out of the woodwork... Lmao

For the record, I’ve know a few people who break up a cigarette and mix in a little tobacco with the grinded up weed... I’ve also known a few people who like to sprinkle a little cocaine in there and make it a dirty. Point is, there’s no right way to smoke weed, and no right name either... just whatever people around