
Why do I feel like you just pulled all that out of your ass just now?

YES!!! Finally someone else acknowledges Summer Wars!!! I loved that movie so much, it was part of a double-feature a buddy of mine recommended I watch, the other feature being an anime by the name of Patema Inverted, also a genuinely beautiful movie with an excellent story.

YES!!! Finally someone else acknowledges Summer Wars!!! I loved that movie so much, it was part of a double-feature a buddy of mine recommended I watch, the other feature being an anime by the name of Patema Inverted, also a genuinely beautiful movie with an excellent story.

ATLUS tends to make a ton of their library exclusive a various different consoles and handhelds, so in order to realistically support their entire library as a fan, we’re expected to buy a plethora of different platforms in order to enjoy their games.

Bob Saget... normal? Lmfaooo

I can totally understand where you’re coming from, especially if you work at a small local video game shop, but there’s many factors that could remove a large conglomerate like Gamestop from the picture and still allow smaller stores to flourish.

Big surprise, even though Gamestop corporate can say that “they don’t enforce bundle sales, it’s not a quota thing”, Gamestop has ALWAYS had an unofficial quota WAAAAY before this Circle of Life thing was even a concept, Gamestop always penalized employees for not “upselling”.

No it has not. Not by a long shot, its still great, but it’s most definitely not the “beast season so far”. I don’t blame anyone for that, and sure as heck don’t blame female writers for that, but this season does not compare to the perfection of Season 2.

 With that said, I still love watching every episode, and

Nope, angry boyfriend wouldn’t throw away something that he plays with too. Not to say that Gamer chicks can’t have boyfriends who don’t like video games, just saying that it’s highly unlikely.

Fair enough.

Only reason that working console would be in the trash could be one of TWO simple reasons.

- Angry Parent threw kids toy away

If it’s Vanillaware then I’m sold...

There was a time when ATLUS had a similar status to Vanillaware, where I’d buy anything with the ATLUS logo on it simply because it guaranteed excellent quality, but then ATLUS sold out and now the’re kind of hit or miss... Vanillaware still continues to put out nearly perfect

I didn’t read the article, I just wanted to come down here and say how happy I am that the main pic isn’t of a fucking iPhone and is actually of an HTC!!

Just checked.... Rule 34 hasn’t been enacted... YET!

Hey look! It’s my new wallpaper.

This game is beautiful!!!

Can we just take this opportunity to make this jackass irrelevant?

Side Scrolling, not 2D...

A great Love Letter to the Metroid series. I’ve never been a huge fan of Metroid, but I’ve enjoyed the moments I spent playing the various titles I did manage to muck around in throughout the years.

Your article did somehow awaken an urge of sorts, to go back and play some of the older Metroid games in hopes of the

The game looks okay I like the smooth movement, not a fan of the graphics, but I think I could get used to them... but that fucking MUSIC... holy hell, I truly enjoy a vast array of genres when it comes to music, but I rarely hear something and hate it so much... that is some of the absolute worst music I’ve ever