
She’s awesome, but you know what makes her this awesome? Not just that she loves cosplaying, but that she’s very self aware of exactly what cosplays pay her compliment!

If you have any complaints, please feel free to leave a Yelp review.

Call 1(800)DBCAKES, we ain’t got Twinkies, but we got ho-hoes on lock 24/7, if not you can find our wonderful selection of hoes streetwalkin on Crenshaw Blvd between the hours of 2-7am.


Oh ok, i’ll leave you alone... I heard waking up sleep typers you be deadly for them. I’ll still be pimpin the streets when you wake up, so hit me up before you go go, and holla for some hoe hoes!

Now playing

Then why inquire about my pimpin services? If you aren’t a streetwalker then maybe you’re interested in one of my many hoe wares.

Oh boy, we’ve officially reached the passive aggressive quoting part of the exchange!

Always. You want protection while you streetwalkin?

You truly are a closet social media addict man, they should have taught you about that in your internet psychology college. You kinda got a Freudian thing going on too with all this mention of “Balls” and “Genitals”. You can keep trying to brush it off, but you know it got under your skin, it’s okay, you can cry,

You really seem to enjoy socializing on media for a person who “doesn’t use social media”. Must be a slow day at the gym with all those balls in your hands. lol

Shouldn’t you be sleeping?

Shouldn’t you be sleeping?

Are you still sharing your thoughts? On this digital media platform? Being Social? On Media? I think like the original joke that flew so far over your head it probably landed on the moon, you’re still lost to the entire point. lmao

See? You can post a picture/gif, like that time you categorized social media by your own personal definition. Please continue! :)

Well this looks like shit!

I never meant for y’all to start blowing eachother in the comment section. Congratulations on finding love you two! Lol

Still Social Media tho... lol

Calm down Captain Obvious... your caps lock seems to be working just fine.

I meant, aren’t you being social right now on a digital medium that can be classified as “media”?

This is a comment section, on a blog, on the internet... this is literally social media lmaoo