
Play State of Decay... It’s Freedom Fighters with Zombies instead of Ruskies.

If Valve had wanted to do something cool for Half Life fans they should have picked up this fan project and paid them all some decent money to finish it a little faster. Valve has billions of dollars, what do they care about an extra couple hundred thousand dollars or so?

Black Mesa has full backing from Valve and they even have the current build for sale on Steam. Valve wouldn’t kill it, they’ve partnered with the creators of Black Mesa after it was initially released as a free fan made mod. Now it’s a legitimate game! It’s still in development, but it’s almost done last I heard.


Sucks that the DLC isn’t on sale too... I went ahead and bought the game for $1.99, but I’m not gonna pay 2.5 times more for the friggin DLC! So when they take it down soon, I guess I’ll have to live without the DLC...

I fucking LOVED Freedom Fighters!! Only game to do a similar “Team/Recruit” mechanic is State of Decay... and that’s why I love State of Decay so damn much...

Have you heard of “Half Life: Source” or “Black Mesa”? Those are pretty much full remaster treatments with the exception that Black Mesa is still in development I believe, but very much playable.

I absolutely loved Baby Driver. I liked it way more than Transformers 5 & Atomic Blonde, which I also saw this week.

I wonder how sound proof they are. I snore loud as hell, as I’m sure some other folks do, and while I’m not bothered by my own snoring, much less a jackhammer rattling away 2 feet away from my bed, I’m sure other people are light sleepers and having to hear somebody snoring under or above them would be a deal breaker

Well shit, that just flew passed me! lol

I thought so too but it isn’t, which is what prompted me to come down here and comment on the lack of Eva Units.

Yea, I fucking hate the lazy ass 3D animation with cel shading and just calling it “Anime”...

Now playing

So I see Patlabor, Godzilla, Gamora, Ghidorah, Ultraman along with a couple others that I don’t recognize... but no love for Evangelion and the Angels?! I mean this seems like just the Smorgasbord that they could squeeze in some Evangelion into!!

We kinda nuked them... twice... maybe keeping it from us is a small “Fuck you America”.

No, you’re confusing “Epic Sax guy” with “Sexy Saxman” Tim Cappello... nowadays you type in “Sexy Saxman” and that dufus with the wig and fake mustache is all you see, but before that jackass got internet famous, Tim Cappello was THE “Sexy Saxman”... he didn’t just do The Lost Boys movie, he did entire tours and

“I’ve learned if you want Nintendo hardware you have to preorder or wait in line early on release days.”


I worked at a Video Game wholesaler during the whole “Wii shortage”, and I had inside information on who was getting what and when. Nintendo was short on EVERY order, with everyone. They may have sold 100million units TO DATE, but not on release, and definitely not in the first months of shortages.