
Absolutely! Fucking Amiibos that’s another one I’ve constantly heard about with restocking issues!

I’m sorry, but were you not on Earth back when the Wii released and was sold out everywhere for MONTHS only to sell out again when Nintendo finally sent out tiny shipments to ease the demand?

The Wii was selling for upwards of $380-600 on eBay & Craigslist. There were people on the side of the road selling Wii’s at a

No I don’t believe Nintendo. Not because of the debacle that was the NES Classic, but the fact that they’ve done this shit time and again with consoles and handhelds. They did it with the Wii, they’ve done it with multiple DS incarnations, they did it with the Gameboy Advance...

Just Bug Bomb the car a few times and most of them will run away and the rest will just die in and around the car, you can take the car to get a thorough cleaning with a cleaning service and viola!

I LOVED the first State of Decay game! Sure it had it’s bug and glitches, it even had one that forced me to regress to an earlier save state because I wasn’t able to progress the story any further, but I still loved it. It is truly the most well rounded zombie survival game that I’ve played to date! While I love

They were ingenius! Such a simple design. You could switch out the bodies by just popping off the top and changing the car to a different one entirely! Same with the Wheels and Rims! And to charge it all you had to do was plug the tiny car to the controller and it would recharge of some simple AA batteries if I

Anybody remember Zip Zaps?! I feel like Zip Zaps with a small soccer ball would be great for real life Rocket League! :)

First paragraph should read...

Whoa hold on, I didn’t mean “unpaid” overtime, I mean some places are guilty of the buisness practice but mainly what I meant was that most companies here in the states tend to put forth “Mandatory Overtime” which means if you don’t show up, it’s the same as not showing up on a regularly scheduled shift. I was

Shadow of Mordor: Game of the Year Edition has been $4-7, multiple times on bundle websites like Bundlestars... I honestly haven’t sunk my teeth into it yet, but I’ve owned it for several months now and if I recall I paid like $7 for it...

Who would buy South Park: The Stick of Truth when it’s been widely advertised as a FREE preorder item when you preorder South Park: The Fractured But Hole? lol

I just want the REGULAR Modern Warfare games to go for less than $10! It’s ridiculous that those damn games still for for $20 normal, and $10 on sale...

To not do it means being looked over for promotions, ostracism and workplace bullying, a loss of income and possibly underhanded termination.

Funny thing is that while Japan seems to have hellish working conditions, they work overtime and holidays out of pride and honor for their work. As uncomfortable as it may seem, it’s a voluntary thing. While here in the states, we’re FORCED to work year round, usually without vacation, in jobs that barely cover

Damn, you a relative of hers or something? If so, feel free to pass along the nice praises she’s getting from us here in the Kotaku comment section! lol

Very informative, thank you so much! :)