Dan W.

Are there any other cons like that you used/were used on you by siblings or your kids?

What kind of cocktease comment is that?!

Maybe I'm an asshole, but I just can't stand that entire genre. It's like these Brooklyn kids think they are making great art, but what they have really accomplished is producing the literary equivalent of reality TV. I call them kids, but some of them are older than me.

I'm pretty sure that Calloway's (very lightly anonymized) piece regarding Lin is up on Vice as well as in her book. The main details I recall are that he makes hurtful, disrespectful comments about her under the guise of insightfulness and that he cites her weighing over 100 (?) lbs as the reason he isn't attracted to

Share some details! I don't want to actually sit down and read her book.

That's the END?! Jesus, my heart hurts! :(

OMG it's Teddy from Friday the 13th Part IV

OH MY GOD. I remember sneaking out to the living room late at night to watch this on HBO (I was about 12?) and thinking yay, sexxxy teen antics, and WHAM. It was like eating a delicious piece of cake and then getting punched in the gut.

It's definitely reminiscent of the Kelli Pickler song. First thing I noticed about it.

It sound kinda like FeFe Dobson - Don't Go (Girls and Boys)!

My sister's name is "Isabelle," but for some unknown reason she chooses to go by "Bella." I'm really hoping she's not a secret Twihard.

To make room for Tebow on the roster the Patriots waived Barabbas, for the purpose of giving him his unconditional release.