Dan W.

Anna Paquin Skywalker. What horror hath Mike wrought.

Hands down the funniest thing to say after someone makes an awkward toot is “That blast came from the Death Star! That thing’s operational!”

Gems from mine:

Song of the ding dong damn summer has arrived. Sorry, Rich.


The Black Forest, Leslie. It was harvested in the Black Forest. How could that be any clearer?

Yeah, there's no physical abuse going on, but Calloway's own "issues" - although I'm loath to pathologize her - and his entire "enlightened Asperger's" schtick do not for healthy friendship make.

See also the Marie Calloway book. He doesn't come across as a saint in her accounting either.

Andrew W.K. & the Weaponized Kindness

I proudly used to tell everyone that I was a Paul Kinsey. I've stopped doing that now, thanks to certain turns that character took :/

Ah, the Wayne County Fair. The jewel of the season in the land of my forefathers.

Clowney shocks just about everyone by choosing Anti-Flag's Die For the Government.

America: Now With a Variety of Dipping Sauces

Now playing

The funny thing is that the all-time saddest ending to a teen film ever doesn't even have a death.

Holy fucking shit. If she was giving this sucker to Unrest in the House of Light it takes this to a whole other level. I want to live in the world where that is possible.

Christmas is meant to be a holiday season that lasts a little more than a month, not one that facefucks you with tinsel for two months starting every November first.

At my middle school we were the Chargers and we had a really sick knight-on-his-charger logo. Problem is, looking back, every single time we used an image it was the knight and not the horse. We even had a guy in a foam knight costume.

The beginning kinda gave me a Bangles "In Your Room" vibe, but the vocals don't match that melody.

I'd colonize her and cook her breakfast.

Very excited. Looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun. Two thoughts: