Doug Butcher

Ok. Before we all rehash a tedious debate. Forrest Gump vs. Pulp Fiction. The best film that years was Shawshank Redemption. Now everybody STFU. 

Whales are mammals. They’re not fish. Star Trek IV was a mammal out of water story.

Thank God Jerry Lewis is dead. Once they release The Day The Clown Cried, we can have 137 think pieces on this subject matter. I love The Atlantic.

Remember the episode of the Twilight Zone where the guy got everything he wanted and it turned out he was in Hell. Just saying.

Will not be surprised if they are all still in the Bad Place and Michael is still a demon torturing them.

Eleanor and Chidi being put through the torment of looking at each others’ lives. Tahani being tortured by Vicki and everything. That would be a pretty effective torture scenario if they were still in the Bad Place.

Just remember. Being rebooted and living successive lives while learning until you reach a state of enlightenment is Hinduism. Reincarnation and nirvana.

I’m flying to South Park on City Airlines to eat at City Wok.

Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf was a “shocking” play in its day. Likewise the movie. Now, it’s a really edgy PG film.

This article is very well written and should be required reading in every journalism class.

She shall discover a new world, like a parallel-universe Amerigo Vespucci. The new continent shall be called Am-arya-ca.

She shall, discover a new land, and name it after herself as a parallel universe Amerigo Vespucci. It will be called Am-arya-ca.

Who will fill the void left by the Lenny Letter when the Lenny Letter is the void itself?

Now playing

How about Odd Cable Channels. Here’s my favorite.

It’s clonely at the top!

Newhart went off the air in 1990. In 1991, they had the Bob Newhart Show 19th Anniversary Special and the joke was that Bob was trying to figure out this crazy dream where he owned an inn in Vermont. Howard told Bob he once had this crazy dream he was an astronaut and the dream had a genie.

I would like to take this moment to point out Spacey still has an Oscar for playing a man lusting after an underaged girl. Also, Chris Cooper is the bad guy because he thought Spacey was getting oral sex from his underaged son and that outrage is based on homophobia.

OK. In My Cousin Vinny, he’s from New York and not New Jersey. And, at some point, did you see the scene where Joe Pesci says “youthhhs” very clearly so the judge isn’t confused?

I applaud the opinion on this site regarding a business having the right to not be associated with things they have a disagreement with. For example, if Colin Kaepernick calls police officers “runaway slave patrol” and praises a brutal dictator like Fidel Castro, the NFL can have nothing to do with him. Likewise,

Not defending the actions. But this is the law and has been since Bill Clinton. Clinton did this. Bush did this. Obama did this. Is it right? No. However, where was the outrage for eight years of Obama? Again, this is the law and has been the law for decades. Why are we outraged now?