Doug Butcher

This article was more fun than a barrel of Vikings.

Just realized that it’s Dr. Victor Fries in Batman & Robin. It’s Dr. Victor Von Doom in Fantastic Four. Both villains named Victor and use their last names, which conveniently fit in with the villain motif - Mr. Freeze and Doctor Doom.

Hey, I know y’all have a thing for “the gays” but I really have no desire to ever see “spear.”

Here’s the thing Roseanne doesn’t get. It is completely possible to point out how Valerie Jarrett is a horrible person and anti-Semite who empowers terrorists without calling her an ape.

Bring back Jar Jar or we riot! (starts the chant) Jar Jar Spin-Off! (rhythmic hand clap) Jar Jar Spin-Off! (rhythmic hand clap) Jar Jar Spin-Off!...

So what. She can no longer steal other people’s material about “getting railed.” It’s been ages since I heard Roseanne’s 1980s “domestic goddess” routines about marriage. She can always go with that.

I’d try this. Their Repeal Reserve was quite good. Essentially, I will drink their excellent beers that taste nothing like their regular beer.

Of course, considering there is an entire philosophy within the Catholic Church regarding the “Seamless Garment Of Life” which sees both abortion and the death penalty as an intrinsic moral evil, you made an excellent point.

Actually, other people don’t think “Nuh-uh.” They think you are exterminating a human being.

Georgy Malenkov always says “There are always rubles in the borscht stand.”


It should be noted that the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, Roman nor an empire. It was, however, German. Which is why the emperor is named Otto. In fact, the HRE is commonly referred to as the First Reich. Bismarck and the Kaiser being the Second Reich. Then the Third Reich with you-know-who.

Pants crafted with love.

McDonald’s: We Use Freezers Because Spoiled Meat Can Kill You!

Now playing

Two companies in Kansas City. Standard Home Improvement and The Grass Pad.

That persona worked fine in the doctor sketch.

So, Homer is sort of like a V.C. Andrews and the Iliad and Odyssey are like the Flowers In The Attic series.

Sally Hawkins in Paddington 2: The Shape Of Bears.