But the horror of the FEMALE NIPPLE!
You know what drives me bats? These old white guys quoting things about the Wild West, and using tired tropes and out-and-out lies to misrepresent the way things actually were in order to justify some present day agenda, like rampant gun violence. Here are some facts about the Wild West they conveniently ignore: …
She stated that she started to feel the costume falling apart, and “I prayed.”
Not to mention that in spite of his recent push, Cyborg was front and center of the New Teen Titans, one of DC’s biggest and most influential books of the 80's. And that’s not even touching upon when Image was the #2 comic book company in the world in the 90's and their main character being a black man in Spawn.
Clearly he was born a prick though.
Ha, that was my first thought too...
Are you really suggesting Trump would take a tragedy like this and try to make a naked political point?
Cowboys fan here. Yup.
Giants fan. Co-signed.
This sums it up pretty perfectly.
“The Illinois Republican Party and our country have no place for Nazis like Arthur Jones.”
the curse is strong, and it is real.
I’d trade you an immediate descent into “remember when” levels of mediocrity or outright suckage for just one more win this season.
Agreed. Rare is the sportsman or sportswoman who actually wants to injure their opponent.
Get in their face? Sure.
Make them work for their plays? Absolutely.
Run them ragged if possible? Without doubt.
But injure? No. Most athletes—amateur or professional—are all too aware of just how devastating certain injuries can be…
I’ve never been to Syracuse, thank the Lord, and I’d imagine THAT is more urban than Villanova.
This is the comment of someone who has CLEARLY never been to Villanova. The fuck you doing calling Villanova “urban?”