Barry? Barr? Bear Bar? Can you hear me?
Barry? Barr? Bear Bar? Can you hear me?
I think he should stick to sports.
i take small comfort in the fact that even with his nominal appeal to the pro-life crowd, he still doesn’t crack over 50% approval with Catholics. And i know several who like him, they are the sort that want to remove vatican 2, the old angry sort. it should be 0, but doing a lot better than other denominations.
So that’s what happens when you fail a Wiggles audition.
John Oliver should totally go to one (pity him!) if it means he will produce another brilliant episode of SLAPP suit.
Do NOT trust anyone when they said they’ve been “called” about anything. It shows a delusional mentality.
How odd, Jesus told me she was supposed to STFU and GFTO.
There are tons of Boston fans who revere Russell but hate Kap and don’t see the parallel between the two.
Does she take requests? I can think of another private equity firm whose executives I’d like to see doxxed and harassed into the toilet.
I didn’t agree with a lot of the posts on Splinter and I often disagreed with a lot of the comments. But the one thing I always appreciated was that when something absolutely ludicrous happened and not nearly enough people were going around saying, “What the flying fuck was that?” I could always find people on…
It officially takes longer to drive to/from that god-awful stadium than it does to watch the game itself.
Look, Trubisky has only been in this system for a year....sorry wrong thread.
“Second-division German soccer club St. Pauli are famous for their leftist values.”
Way to show ‘em St. Pauli! You go girl!
“Although some people like to brag about America’s freedom of speech, there’s a lot of topics that are actually quite tightly censored – if you say one thing that goes against the politically correct line, you will immediately lose your job and be scorned by the entire population.”
In Communist China, Scoops Break You.
on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.
I’m surprised they didn’t film Kim Jong Un touring the park and then place a clip from Back to School and superimpose Un doing the Triple Lindy.
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”