Georgia: our state motto is “Thank Goodness for Mississippi and Alabama.”
Georgia: our state motto is “Thank Goodness for Mississippi and Alabama.”
That’s the thing about being a Christian decent human being; you shouldn’t have to be asked.
Just like the ones who had to try to argue that ghastly Muslim ban in front of the 9th Circuit.
who in the hell commits suicide with broken limbs?
So Sumlin praises a college president for “leadership” when he cancels a white supremacist rally? It seems like quite the low bar to jump over.
And I read the comments about a guy who read an article about a guy watching a pre-season NFL game, then felt compelled to comment about what a tremendous waste of time every last bit of this is, and how wonderful it is that I can avoid doing actual work by talking about inconsequential things like this.
Shit, I just read a whole article about a guy watching a whole preseason NFL game. Knowing full well the whole time that this was the topic of the article. What the hell.
The auctioneer looks like he should be starring in a shitty CBS sitcom where he’s married to an impossibly hot wife.
Those aren’t police officers. Those are racists playing soldier.
LEGO is all caps, and also it’s own plural (like deer).
Cutler hasn’t cared about football in years and was a vocal supporter of a misogynistic, racist, abrasive Presidential campaign yet there was not outcry against signing him. Kap kneeled during the national anthem to protest videos of people actually being killed by police.
“More fake news from Highlights for Kids: I colored in the lines the best and am not a Goofus.”
“I was very flattered when my good friend President Flintstone told me ‘yabadabadoo, I like talkin’ to you!’ You can already see how much more respected the United States is throughout the world.”-DJT
You usually do find a dick around Balls
The plan to tire him out by making him keep running the bases made sense in the clubhouse before the game.
Agreed! I love Brooklyn Nine-nine and wish that it got more recognition than it does. After just finishing up Veep I thought this season, while funny in spots, was not great and that Emmy spot could have gone to another show.
I didn’t realize how diverse Brooklyn Nine Nine was until halfway through season one, as Jake is Jewish, his best friend Italian, their bosses are Black, and their partners are Latinx. The only actual “White” guys are the two buffoons.
Its forking unacceptable The Good Place didn’t get nominated for best comedy.
Maybe in Japan things like facts still matter, but we’re making America great one ridiculous rumor at a time!