“C’mon guys, that was obviously a joke. You know, like the Texans.”
How weird would it be for Jerry Jones and Bob McNair to run ads opposing the bill? Not because they care for the people being oppressed, of course, but because they wouldn’t get to be part of the NFL Owners Dick Measuring Contest anymore.
What a complete disaster. This was supposed to play instead of the Star Spangled Banner.
I only read the transcript but this sports thing is the only Trump interview I’ve seen that makes sense. I guess that finally pins him at about the level of average sports radio caller.
2017 was supposed to be different.
For the millionth fucking time? I don’t know, I could probably count the number of times I’ve heard this on one hand.
And from his recent statements in support of Trump’s Muslim Ban, it sounds like Geoff Cameron is finally starting to think about defense.
New Hartford alum, I didn’t figure anyone would know that town if I commented it so I went with the more generic Utica.
I know Mechanicville all too well.
As a former resident of Schaghticoke - Mechanicville was always known as the slightly nicer town that at least had a McDonalds parking lot to hang out in
Fellow Upstater here, Utica region (right in the heart of Trump Country), I actually pay for Sirius just so I can still listen to Le Batard and Bomani instead of the local guy discussing Syracuse football recruiting or local stuff. I should go the podcast route but like you I constantly forget/am too lazy.
That brief period where 104.5 traded Cowherd for Le Batard before going to shitty local sports Roger Wyland was beautiful. I basically don’t listen anymore.
As interesting as it is to hear Rodger Wyland describe what the local basketball coaches’ scrotums taste like, I am also upset that they’ve made it more difficult to listen to Le Batard.
And at the end of Trump’s fourth year, she’s gonna yell “The Aristocrats!”
What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS
Sunderland down. NUFC up. All will soon be right in the world.
I had to scroll down WAY too far before anyone posted this.
Once again proving that Baylor lacks a credible defense.