This is a Highlight
This is a Highlight
The Highlight of all of this is that we learned the NFL employs Goofuses and isn’t Gallant in how it handles blame.
Lol like the Browns could score a touchdown.....
I want to wear the “Full Docs or GTFO” shirt to my next medical appointment.
“Oh, you are a P.A.?” *points to shirt*
DC sports is so futile it makes Sisyphus go “daaaaaaamn”
I do not watch the NFL, but I will gleefully read every article about how fucked up and stupid the NFL is.*
Where’s the option for those of us who aren’t watching the NFL currently but would if Colin Kaepernick took a shit on the corpse of Roger Goodell?
Mee mother mee moo moids moo midenmimied mare mot mammom mexammles.
It seems you want to watch good a Car Review Show. Classic mistake. Old Top Gear/Grand Tour is not a Car Review Show. Its a show about three old British guys doing stupid things with cars and talking about cars. No one really cars about their opinion about cars, we just like watching them talk about cars. Every show…
Funny, my wife asked for much the same thing.
“Average home crowd of TWENTY-EIGHT? Get me their marketing director on the phone, STAT!”
Well I’m a Blazer fan, so fuck this question.
Nothing symbolizes Cleveland better than thousands of people outside of an arena named after a predatory loan company, celebrating something occurring California, benefiting million and billionaires that will have exactly no positive impact on their lives.
Here, from U.S. Soccer, is the story of how Michael Bradley’s custom “One Nation” rainbow captain’s armband was fabricated and delivered just before kickoff of the Copa América quarterfinal against Ecuador.
Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.
Dear Representative Daniel,