I’m hoping that the ‘English (UK)’ is also the responsibility of Amazon and they can get Clarkson, Hammond, and May to provide the commentary and analysis there. Even I’d make an exception to my no NFL rule and watch.
I’m hoping that the ‘English (UK)’ is also the responsibility of Amazon and they can get Clarkson, Hammond, and May to provide the commentary and analysis there. Even I’d make an exception to my no NFL rule and watch.
Not sure how it works in England, but maybe his lawyer is on retainer so might as well get some use out of him.
The Cy Young winner is down to either deGrom and Scherzer, and I don’t think it’s a lock between those two. I’ll sound like a homer, but I give a slight edge to Scherzer because he’s hit the 300 K mark this season, and we all know how much old time baseball writers go for old time benchmarks and milestones, plus he’s…
I do the driving
...the 30-year-old Army veteran...
Trusting the way the Nats have operated this year, somehow they’ll manage to keep Harper and get rid of Robles AND Soto.
The fetishization of promotion/relegation very rarely gets applied to American soccer other than it makes it different from the rest of the world’s leagues and MLS likes to fashion itself as being akin to those (where it clearly isn’t).
Maybe Newcastle can hire Mourhino once Rafa decides to leave at the conclusion of the season. Only he can't win at St. James.
Mets are gonna Met
Never have a kid’s birthday party in your house. As much as you might want to get trashed for the two hours it’s going on, it’s so much easier to go someplace else and let them put up with the little shits and stay sober than have to deal with the clean up after. The only time it’s ok to have a party at your house…
It wasn’t so much episodes as scenes that I loved best about Frasier. Don’t get me wrong, the episodes are great, but it would be a particular scene from an episode that would stand out. There’s one where Frasier and Niles are arguing about the new color that Frasier is painting his living room where the colors are…
Gritty is what happens when a fry guy grows up and has to support a weed habit.
Newspapers...not newspaper websites. I’m sorry. I’m still old school. I subscribe to a print newspaper and read it every day. And trust me, there are ads, but because it’s print and not a website, completely unobtrusive.
I would think normal people would want a site that focuses on decent-to-good writing with no ads to succeed.
I mean, he isn’t wrong. Sure, he’s looking at it from the side losing people, so it’s a little jaded, but he does point out some severe issues at the Athletic. Desperation? No, because that’s their business model. Sustainability? I doubt it. I, for one, cannot wait for the Athletic to ultimately flop.
Boy, Bobby Clarke has really let himself go
I’m just waiting for Teddy to throw an ‘OK’ sign.
I don’t know what the NLI says in terms of actual legal language, particularly in dispute resolution, but it seems to me as though this could be actionable under a ‘restraint of trade’ arguement, and if all avenues of resolution have been exhausted, then the next step would be a civil suit.
He knew he could cover plot holes with a few quick lines about Bruce Wayne using shell companies to buy his Batsuit’s components.