
As long as it wasn’t with Buffalo girls.  I mean, have you seen them?  It’s like the dregs of Upstate NY and the rest of it ain’t pretty.

I have a Samsung, and it is indeed in the Messages app, which I don’t use. I use Messages+. However, it cannot be turned off in the Messages app. I think there is a possibility that if I turn off all notifications it MIGHT work, and hopefully it won’t mess up Messages+. I plan on just avoiding my phone then.

Perhaps that’s why Mississippi ranks 50th in health care, 46th in education, 49th in jobs and #1 in people still worshipping a 150-year-old war in which the traitors and enslavers got their asses handed to them.

I hate saying this because I for one couldn’t stand when they had Greg Hardy and Pacman Jones on the team (I know, different situations for each of them but overall the Cowboys seem to have become the New Raiders, scooping up troubled players), but I really think this would be a great place for Gordon to land.

Look, players like Harper can be prima donnas at times, but umpires should just call the game as they see it.  Annoyed that Harper didn’t like you calling the strike? Fine.  Get over it.  For the umpire to continue it when Harper is out in the field?  MLB needs to take a good look at this guy and limit his

That would be telling.

Fuck Andrew Cuomo with the New Tappan Zee Bridge

I know what you mean, but the “Southern Cross” is a constellation famous in the Southern hemisphere.

The guy went to Georgetown Prep, which is nothing but the whitest, most self-entitled bros possible.  I do not doubt the veracity of this letter in the least.

This is why, at least when it comes to music, I always buy the CD if possible (I do listen to some bands that their CD’s are import only, so it’s cheaper to buy it digitally.)  and if I do have to buy it digitally, I download it and store it on my computer.

The Upstate county I live in, where the new County Executive compared himself favorably to Trump (and acts like him too, sometimes), where police officers openly display “Blue Lives Matter” paraphanelia and plenty of residents fly the Southern Cross, the county went to Nixon.  I think Cuomo could be in trouble. 

The minor parties in NY are a joke since they just nominate the Republican or Democratic candidate.  It’s just a way for politicians to grift the system.  The only true 3rd party is the Greens.

As a liberal Upstate NYer, I would say if the Republicans could ever run a competent progressive candidate for Governor (like Pataki), they would have a fighting chance to take the Governorship. Andrew Cuomo is like the Democratic version of Donald Trump, only with slightly more intelligence.

you know, somebody mentioned orphanages before. I mean, orphanages are still a possibility for some kids.”

Seriously, what type of sociopath goes to a dealership and says, “You know what? I’m not a cop, but I just want people to think I’m one?”

He does have a plaid jacket on, so maybe he should have been coaching at the same time as Bear Bryant and it would have been ok.

And it’s not like Count von Count would have helped him; he probably counted the ways Trump could go get bent.  This was all big boy counting on his own.

Damn it. I was going to correct their headline almost exactly like that, too.  Take your +1

No. I don’t remember the last time I watched a Monday night game and I probably haven’t seen an NFL game in 4 years.

The Lions fans will be cool with it as long as nobody kneeled.