
Which is great, but here in the US, and admittedly there is a lot of baggage here, it’s focused mostly on Williams and Ramos. I think Giri makes a lot of good points here about how this should have been handled, but I find serious tennis people a lot like serious golf people and their anal-ness ruins it. (On a side

For a league that INSISTS on using replay to “get calls right”, the fact that it can be thwarted on what amounts to a technicality is assinine. That being said, he should have absolutely called a time out. Coaches have to just stop handing wins to Belichick and his pretty boy QB and making them look like “geniuses”.

I was going to say the same thing. WTF does a VP for Patriotic Activities do? Lead the pledge of allegiance every day? Suck a soldier’s cock? Seriously.

Well, to go with a variance on Chris Canty’s phrase, “Bills gonna Bill.”

I’m sure that this move was heartily cheered by the Tanner in Chief...who will give his best bud a call at Liberty.

I honestly don’t get it. I mean, is there some sort of street cred that goes along with dropping the ball as soon as possible?  Call me old school, but I’d rather get into the endzone and spike it.  (Also, in my later years I’ve decided that the NFL should adopt the rugby rule that the receiver has to place the ball

Let him.  It’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard anybody try to copyright.  Nobody will buy it.

Not that anybody’s going to do anything about their violations of regulations, since this is the MO of this administration and they’ve been permitted to get away with it.

I guess I always had a more “romantic” view of the USFL, a sort of anti-NFL that if it had survived could have forced the NFL to be a better product. (I was 9 in ‘84 but then as now was more interested in baseball than football and honestly don't ever remember it then. ) But after reading this, I’m glad Trump hastened


I don’t know where to begin with this. First...

I’m tired of them all.  I’m just waiting for The Purge to take care of these clowns.

My Grandfather lived in Bethesda and my Mom grew up in Bethesda, and it’s as white as white can be. I want to a Catholic School in Northern VA (there’s 3, so you have a 1 in 3 chance of guessing which one), and my school was pretty white, but when we competed against Prep in competitions like Model UN and It’s

Except he plays for the Igles...located in the huge cesspool of racism that is Philadelphia.  I’m all for him and his message and anything he wants to say, but Igles fans won’t stand for it.

There is a dealer near where I live who operates multiple dealerships across the state (I’m not going to name names, but it’s all ‘Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!’) and it’s dealers like him I would be wary of. They push selling cars to people with bad credit and I suspect they don’t really care whether or not the people can

Jeff Bezos is funding these pro-gun, anti-abortion Republican campaigns for Congress. It’s that simple.

Not only did the NRA vouch for Kavanaugh, but I recieved mail from a “Catholic” group pushing for Kavanaugh’s confirmation because of anti-Catholic bias from the Democrats.  (As a Catholic, I maintain that other than the opposition to abortion, the Republic party is way more anti-Catholic than Democrats, but because

You can’t claim to be part of the resistance and still advocate for the horrendous policies that the grand cheeto advocates. You’re just an operative who is taking the opportunity that presented itself to grind down the populace even more than it has been.

Assuming arguendo that the allegations he states are true, then he knew about this behvior for years and did nothing about it.  He comes to this with unclean hands.

It’s times like this that makes me ask: Who are the snowflakes?