...fights for right to sell your merchandise in my country...
...fights for right to sell your merchandise in my country...
I’m all for Colin being the face of their ‘Just Do It’ campaign, but I’m cynical enough to think that Nike chose him because they thought they could make a buck off of his being blacklisted. (I don’t know if there was a prior business relationship or not)
To be fair, their loss in the Super Bowl was an act of domestic terrorism.
The notecard is unecessary. The manager can easily signal in how he wants Davis to pitch to the hitters he’s facing.
Really? Because I saw the trailer for this and groaned. This was one of my favorite books growing up and it seems a bit too sugary. I know they have to make movies a certain way now to appeal to kids, but this really seems like one which would be best in an old-school style.
The video completely ignores the animation of B:TAS, which is a shame because it was the best animated series since the Fleischer Superman (which I know was for matinees, not TV) and unfortunately was discontinued when it moved to the New Batman Adventures (I think that’s what it was called, where Grayson was…
I hope they go full on with the New New New Brotherhood of Dada. Also, would love to see an appearance of Danny the Street.
Can we talk about the problems with the Catholic Church? I know there are many problems, but what it comes down to is that there are two Catholic Churches in America.
I live about 40 minutes from the Vermont border and Vermont (and really any rural New England or Upstate NY areas) is nothing but racist hicks who think that a group of more than five black men together is a gang and is UP TO NO GOOD. I see just as many Southern Crosses here as when I grew up in Virginia. Vermont…
His account was hacked.
Get your hand out of your knickers
I know they did the double bye in the 90's, only I think it was still scattered about, and yeah, the players aren’t going to like it. But, if the league is serious about player safety (it isn’t) then they would say to hell with it and do it any way. And they should break the season into three chunks of 5/5/6. (Or,…
God: I said no such thing.
Trump’s funeral will be gaudier than if Versace designed it, but he’ll also require that his current wife be buried with him, whether or not she’s dead, as well as several buckets of KFC.
If the league was at all concerned about player safety, they would eliminate the Thursday night game and have two bye weeks spread evenly throughout the season. This is a naked money grab and positioning the League by demanding so many things when it comes times the next collective bargaining agreement roles around…
The only color that matters: green.
I bet Hue would love to put a bounty on Greggggggg right about now
Guns don’t kill people. Video games about ‘Murican Football kills people.
Yet you’re still reading it. Huh.
Yes...unless a better job comes along. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. Remember, they got him (albeit when he was unemployed) after the January transfer window. Also, maybe Ashley makes a move just to shake things up, especially if they’re in the bottom three. I wouldn’t put anything past him.