You’re absolutely correct. What the City Attorney has done is bad, except...
You’re absolutely correct. What the City Attorney has done is bad, except...
Unless NUFC is sold before the January transfer window or Ashley invests a massive amount then, and let’s not kid ourselves because that won’t happen, I fully expect to have a new manager seeing out the second half of the year, and most likely looking at someplace between 15-19 in the table.
Ok, I know everybody is going to shit all over the City Attorney for this, and quite rightly so, but he is just doing what any lawyer has been trained to do. I’m not saying it’s right (said the attorney who took two tries to pass the ethics portion of the bar...because he was too ethical the first time) but that…
He’s no Bill Belichick.
Newcastle is in the position they’re in because they have the a cheap-ass owner who wants to run NUFC like his discount sporting goods business. The owner is essentially Donald Sterling without the racism (maybe, who knows) and with the threat of relegation looming over him so he’s forced to spend just enough to…
Is Deadspin hiring?
I wish the judge had noticed her attitude, because while it might be the sentencing recommendation, he doesn’t have to follow it, especially if she shows no remorse for what she has done.
Is that an omen for their upcoming season? (I’m fully aware that The Sixth Sense is set in Philly.)
He forgot to mention the most important thing...the troops.
Of course police shield white nationalists. They’re out their protecting their own.
I hope his lawyer handling the federal indictment also does matrimonial work.
Unless the song made a direct threat of intention by the rappers (“I’m going to kill ______”) or encouraged others to kill or harm the police officers (“Go kill _____”) then I think this is really hard to swallow as a violation of the First Amendment. It seems more that this is no different than somebody posting on…
The one decent thing Jim Parsons has done...just 12 years too late.
Yeah, the “abortion is the modern holocaust” trope made its way around my Catholic high school in the 90's. So, that’s not surprising in the least.
Shhhh. Don’t tell the NFLPA.
Where else are you going to get a slice of that racist pie?
He IS the O-Line
When the tone of an attorney’s letter subtely encourages that you just keep on keeping on because suing your ass will be the easiest litigation they’ve engaged in years, you're doing something wrong.
They didn’t throw in the towel. They got towels. What a waste.