
This goes along with President Twitterfingers and his obsession with Fox News since they basically treat him like Joe Arpaio’s fantasy president.

Zach Bye used to be on the Albany (NY) sports talk station and I will say that I never heard him be anything other than professional on air.  And while typically I think that a lot of sports talk DJ’s are insufferable and athletes shouldn’t do interviews with them, I never heard any issues with Bye’s.

I think he might have missed those four books about 2/3 of the way through that sort of set Christians apart from their Judaic bretheren and exactly what it means to be Christian.

Yeah, that’s the solution.  Make the sanctimonious pricks that is the BBWA look less sanctimonious.

Child support payments are all numbers. There are the Federal Child Support Guidelines, and while it is permissible to deviate from them, taking into account the earnings of the custodial parent and other things, essentially two CHILDREN are entitled to 25% of the non-custodial parent’s income.  It’s only rich white

Conservatives, of any skin hue, will sell themselves out simply because a politician will pander to their constituents. As a Catholic, I’m horrified that there is a large segement of Catholics who support Trump simply because he has said (I want to emphasize here that Trump says a lot of shit, but being the spineless

At least in upstate NYS, when defendants are not cooperative Judges will simply have the defendant removed and just continue on.  So, I guess we have something on other racist northern states

I don't want the Papa's meat

At least the NY Mutuals were able to accomplish something on that day and turned the first recorded triple play in major league history.

I esentially work as a private contractor, even though I’m paid by both New York State and my local county.  My income is dependent on how much work I have in any one particular year.  Some years are good years, some not so good.  If I have a down year (like last year) and then have an up year (like this year), even

Translation: He’s still available, so keep the offers coming in.

Imagine Buffalo without all the class.

Sessions’ task force will work to allow people of faith to act or abstain from certain actions and adds “that government shouldn’t impugn people’s motives or beliefs,” the Hill reports.

I’m not going to knock arena football. I mean, I could, it’s easy enough to do. But I moved to Albany the year before the Firebirds left town for Indianapolis and of course they now have the Empire. The problem was that the AFL thought that it was bigger than it was and moved from smaller cities (Albany) to bigger

He also thinks that men should be allowed to beat their women without those pesky hospitals getting invovled.

I got snipped. My wife pointed out that compared to women getting their tubes tied, a man going through a vasectomy is a relatively mild procedure.

No. He should have an affair with one and then pay her hush money to keep the whole thing quiet,  like any true American that wants to make America great again. 

Evolution should help sort this one out.

Cecil Turtle?

You’re right. It does suck. (Although having grown up in DC, I instantly hated the Red Potato Skins and of course, immediately gravitated to the Cowboys of Tom Landry.) I would like the white players on the team to give a big ol’ middle finger to Jerrah and protest, because I think he would immediately lose his shit